This notebook estimates the indicators based on the raw clean data and perfomrs the main analyses and figures used in the manuscript of the multicountry paper. The input is the “clean kobo output” that was first cleaned by 2_cleaning.Rmd. Besides the plots and statistics shown below, the output is are the indicators data ready to be used to estimate the indicators (ind[1-3]_data.csv), a single file with the indicators already calculated (indicators_full.csv) and metadata.

Packages and functions

Load required libraries:


Load required functions. These custom fuctions are available at:


Other custom functions:

### not in
'%!in%' <- function(x,y)!('%in%'(x,y))

#' Duplicates data to create additional facet. Thanks to
#' @param df a dataframe
#' @param col the name of facet column
CreateAllFacet <- function(df, col){
  df$facet <- df[[col]]
  temp <- df
  temp$facet <- "all"
  merged <-rbind(temp, df)

  # ensure the facet value is a factor
  merged[[col]] <- as.factor(merged[[col]])


Custom colors:

## IUCN official colors
# Assuming order of levels is: "re", "cr", "en", "vu", "nt", "lc", "dd", "not_assessed", "unknown" (for regional, and w/o "re" for global). Make sure to change the levels to that order before plotting. Note: NE should be "#FFFFFF" but since that means white I'm suing azure2
IUCNcolors<-c("#FF0000", "#FFA500", "#FFFF00", "#ADFF2F", "#008000", "#808080", "azure2", "bisque1")
IUCNcolors_regional<-c("darkorchid2", "#FF0000", "#FFA500", "#FFFF00", "#ADFF2F", "#008000", "#808080", "azure2", "bisque1")

## nice soft ramp for taxonomic groups
taxoncolors<-cividis(12) # same than using cividis(length(levels(as.factor(metadata$taxonomic_group))))

## Colors for simplified methods to define populations 
# assuming the levels (see how this was created in the section "Simplify combinations of methods to define populations"): of running levels(as.factor(ind2_data$defined_populations_simplified)) (after new order)

# get a set of colors to highlight genetic and geographic with similar colors

simplifiedmethods_colors<-c("#FFA07A", #"dispersal_buffer"
                            "#7f611b", # "eco_biogeo_proxies"
                            "#668cd1", # "genetic_clusters"     
                            "#668cd1", # "genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies"     
                            "#45c097", # "genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries"  
                            "#d4b43e", # "geographic_boundaries"
                            "#d4b43e", # "geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies"
                            "#d4b43e", # "geographic_boundaries management_units" 
                            "#b34656", # "management_units" 
                            "#be72c9", # "other" 
                            "#be72c9")# "other_combinations" 

grouped_taxon_colors<-c("#a46cb7", "#7aa457", "#cb6a49")

Get data

Get indicators and metadata data from clean kobo output

# Get data:
kobo_clean<-read.csv(file="kobo_output_clean.csv", header=TRUE)

# Extract indicator 1 data from kobo output, show most relevant columns
## [1] "the data already contained a taxon column, that was used instead of creating a new one"
head(ind1_data[,c(1:3, 12:14)])
# Extract Proportion of maintained populations (indicator) data from kobo output, show most relevant columns
## [1] "the data already contained a taxon column, that was used instead of creating a new one"
head(ind2_data[,c(1:3, 9:10,13)])
# Extract indicator 3 data from kobo output, show most relevant columns
## [1] "the data already contained a taxon column, that was used instead of creating a new one"
head(ind3_data[,c(1:3, 9:11)])
# extract metadata, show most relevant columns
## [1] "the data already contained a taxon column, that was used instead of creating a new one"
head(metadata[,c(1:3, 12, 25,26, 64)])

Get population data for those species assessed using the tabular text template instead of Kobo. This file was produced by the script 1.2_cleaning.Rmd


Add data recorded using the population template to the ind1_data already in the nice format.

ind1_data<-rbind(ind1_data, ind1_data_from_templates)

Estimate indicators

Indicator 1 or Ne 500 indicator (proportion of populations with Ne >500):

Show most relevant columns of indicator 1 data

ind1_data %>% select(country_assessment, taxon, population, Name, Ne, NeLower, NeUpper, NeYear, GeneticMarkers, NcType, NcMethod, NcRange)

Remember what the function to transform NcRange and NcPoint data into Ne does:

# check what the custom funciton does
## function (ind1_data, ratio = 0.1) 
## {
##     ratio = ratio
##     if (!is.numeric(ratio) || ratio < 0 || ratio > 1) {
##         stop("Invalid argument. Please provide a number within the range 0 to 1, using `.` to delimit decimals.")
##     }
##     else {
##         ind1_data = ind1_data
##         ind1_data <- ind1_data %>% mutate(Nc_from_range = case_when(NcRange == 
##             "more_5000_bymuch" ~ 10000, NcRange == "more_5000" ~ 
##             5500, NcRange == "less_5000_bymuch" ~ 500, NcRange == 
##             "less_5000" ~ 4050, NcRange == "range_includes_5000" ~ 
##             5001)) %>% mutate(Ne_from_Nc = case_when(! ~ 
##             NcPoint * ratio, ! ~ Nc_from_range * 
##             ratio)) %>% mutate(Ne_combined = if_else(, 
##             Ne_from_Nc, Ne)) %>% mutate(Ne_calculated_from = if_else(, 
##             if_else(!, "NcPoint ratio", if_else(!, 
##                 "NcRange ratio", NA_character_)), "genetic data"))
##         print(ind1_data)
##     }
## }

Use function to get Ne data from NcRange or NcPoint data, and their combination (Ne estimated from Ne if Ne is available, otherwise, from Nc)

ind1_data<-transform_to_Ne(ind1_data = ind1_data, ratio = 0.1)
## # A tibble: 5,652 × 40
##    country_assessme… taxonomic_group taxon scientific_auth… genus year_assesment
##    <chr>             <chr>           <chr> <chr>            <chr> <chr>         
##  1 sweden            mammal          Alce… (Linnaeus, 1758) Alces 2023          
##  2 sweden            mammal          Alce… (Linnaeus, 1758) Alces 2023          
##  3 sweden            mammal          Alce… (Linnaeus, 1758) Alces 2023          
##  4 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
##  5 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
##  6 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
##  7 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
##  8 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
##  9 sweden            fish            Silu… (Linnaeus, 1758) Silu… 2023          
## 10 sweden            bird            Dend… Bechstein 1803   Dend… 2022          
## # … with 5,642 more rows, and 34 more variables: name_assessor <chr>,
## #   email_assessor <chr>, kobo_tabular <chr>, defined_populations <chr>,
## #   time_populations <chr>, X_validation_status <chr>, X_uuid <chr>,
## #   multiassessment <chr>, population <chr>, Name <chr>, Origin <chr>,
## #   IntroductionYear <chr>, Ne <dbl>, NeLower <dbl>, NeUpper <dbl>,
## #   NeYear <chr>, GeneticMarkers <chr>, GeneticMarkersOther <chr>,
## #   MethodNe <chr>, SourceNe <chr>, NcType <chr>, NcYear <chr>, …

Check transformation in example:

ind1_data %>% select(country_assessment, taxon, population, Name, Ne, NeLower, NeUpper, NeYear, GeneticMarkers, NcType, NcMethod, NcRange, Nc_from_range, Ne_from_Nc, Ne_combined)

Remember what the function to estimate indicator 1 does:

# check what the custom function does
## function (ind1_data) 
## {
##     indicator1 <- ind1_data %>% group_by(X_uuid, ) %>% summarise(n_pops = n(), 
##         n_pops_Ne_data = sum(!, n_pops_more_500 = sum(Ne_combined > 
##             500, na.rm = TRUE), indicator1 = n_pops_more_500/n_pops_Ne_data) %>% 
##         left_join(metadata)
##     print(indicator1)
## }

Now estimate indicator 1 :)

indicator1<-estimate_indicator1(ind1_data = ind1_data)
## Joining, by = "X_uuid"
## # A tibble: 609 × 69
##    X_uuid      n_pops n_pops_Ne_data n_pops_more_500 indicator1 country_assessm…
##    <chr>        <int>          <int>           <int>      <dbl> <chr>           
##  1 010d85cd-5…      2              1               1          1 united_states   
##  2 018d6a54-b…     47             46               0          0 united_states   
##  3 019bd95f-b…      1              1               0          0 sweden          
##  4 01b10b29-9…      1              1               1          1 south_africa    
##  5 0301e6b3-b…      3              3               3          1 france          
##  6 037d6c8f-7…      4              2               2          1 united_states   
##  7 03f03179-1…      1              1               1          1 south_africa    
##  8 0586b61e-7…     12             12               0          0 belgium         
##  9 065a53ba-0…      1              1               0          0 south_africa    
## 10 06e6bb50-3…      1              1               0          0 belgium         
## # … with 599 more rows, and 63 more variables: taxonomic_group <chr>,
## #   taxon <chr>, scientific_authority <chr>, genus <chr>, year_assesment <chr>,
## #   name_assessor <chr>, email_assessor <chr>, common_name <chr>,
## #   kobo_tabular <chr>, X_validation_status <chr>, GBIF_taxonID <int>,
## #   NCBI_taxonID <chr>, national_taxonID <chr>, source_national_taxonID <chr>,
## #   other_populations <chr>, time_populations <chr>, defined_populations <chr>,
## #   source_definition_populations <chr>, map_populations <chr>, …

Check example data:

indicator1 %>% select(X_uuid, taxon, country_assessment, n_pops, n_pops_Ne_data, n_pops_more_500, indicator1)

Indicator 2 or PM indicator: proportion of populations within species which are maintained.

Show most relevant columns of indicator 2 data:

ind2_data %>% select(country_assessment, taxon, n_extant_populations, n_extint_populations)

Proportion of maintained populations (indicator) is the he proportion of populations within species which are maintained. This can be estimated based on the n_extant_populations and n_extint_populations, as follows:

ind2_data$indicator2<- ind2_data$n_extant_populations / (ind2_data$n_extant_populations + ind2_data$n_extint_populations)

Example output selecting the most relevant columns:

ind2_data %>% select(country_assessment, taxon, n_extant_populations, n_extint_populations, indicator2)

Indicator 3 or genetic monitoring indicator: number of species with genetic diversity monitoring

Example of indicator 3 data selecting the most relevant columns:

ind3_data %>% select(country_assessment, taxon, multiassessment, temp_gen_monitoring, gen_studies, gen_monitoring_years, source_genetic_studies)

Indicator 3 refers to the number (count) of taxa by country in which genetic monitoring is occurring. This is stored in the variable temp_gen_monitoring as a “yes/no” answer for each taxon, so to estimate the indicator, we only need to count how many said “yes”, keeping only one of the records when the taxon was multiassessed.

indicator3<-ind3_data %>%
                 # keep only one record if the taxon was assessed more than once within the country
                 select(country_assessment, taxon, temp_gen_monitoring) %>%
                 filter(!duplicated(.)) %>%

                 # count "yes" in tem_gen_monitoring by country
                 filter(temp_gen_monitoring=="yes") %>%
                 group_by(country_assessment) %>%
                 summarise(n_taxon_gen_monitoring= n())

Example output:


Join indicators and metadata in a single table

It could be useful to have the PM and Ne 500 indicators and the metadata in a single large table.

indicators_full<-left_join(metadata, indicator1) %>% 
## Joining, by = c("country_assessment", "taxonomic_group", "taxon",
## "scientific_authority", "genus", "year_assesment", "name_assessor",
## "email_assessor", "common_name", "kobo_tabular", "X_validation_status",
## "X_uuid", "GBIF_taxonID", "NCBI_taxonID", "national_taxonID",
## "source_national_taxonID", "other_populations", "time_populations",
## "defined_populations", "source_definition_populations", "map_populations",
## "map_populations_URL", "habitat_decline_area", "source_populations",
## "popsize_data", "ne_pops_exists", "nc_pops_exists", "ratio_exists",
## "species_related", "ratio_species_related", "ratio_year",
## "source_popsize_ratios", "species_comments", "realm", "IUCN_habitat",
## "other_habitat", "national_endemic", "transboundary_type", "other_explain",
## "country_proportion", "species_range", "rarity", "occurrence_extent",
## "occurrence_area", "pop_fragmentation_level", "species_range_comments",
## "global_IUCN", "regional_redlist", "other_assessment_status",
## "other_assessment_name", "source_status_distribution", "fecundity",
## "semelparous_offpring", "reproductive_strategy", "reproductive_strategy_other",
## "adult_age_data", "other_reproductive_strategy", "longevity_max",
## "longevity_median", "longevity_maturity", "longevity_age",
## "life_history_based_on", "life_history_sp_basedon", "sources_life_history",
## "multiassessment")
## Joining, by = c("country_assessment", "taxonomic_group", "taxon",
## "scientific_authority", "genus", "year_assesment", "name_assessor",
## "email_assessor", "X_validation_status", "X_uuid", "other_populations",
## "time_populations", "defined_populations", "source_definition_populations",
## "map_populations", "map_populations_URL", "habitat_decline_area",
## "source_populations", "multiassessment")

Check number of rows of each object, i.e. n including alternative assessments

# Number of populations inc alternative assessments
## [1] 5652
# Number of assessments including multiassessments (these 3 objects should have the same number of rows)
## [1] 966
## [1] 966
## [1] 966
## [1] 966

Save indicators data

Save indicators data and metadata to csv files, useful for analyses outside R.

# save processed data
write.csv(ind1_data, "ind1_data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(indicators_full, "indicators_full.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(ind2_data, "ind2_data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(ind3_data, "ind3_data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(metadata, "metadata.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Change country name to nicer labels

To have nice levels in the plots we will change the way country names are written:

# make factor

# original levels
## [1] "australia"     "belgium"       "colombia"      "france"       
## [5] "japan"         "mexico"        "south_africa"  "sweden"       
## [9] "united_states"
# change
levels(metadata$country_assessment)<-c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA")
levels(indicators_full$country_assessment)<-c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA")
levels(ind1_data$country_assessment)<-c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA")
levels(ind2_data$country_assessment)<-c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA")
levels(indicator1$country_assessment)<-c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA")

Simplify combinations of methods to define populations

The methods used to define populations come from a check box question were one or more of the following categories can be selected: genetic_clusters, geographic_boundaries, eco_biogeo_proxies, adaptive_traits, management_units, other. As a consequence any combination of the former can be possible. Leading to the following frequency table:

##                                                                            adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          5 
##                                                           adaptive_traits management_units 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                                           dispersal_buffer 
##                                                                                        159 
##                                                           dispersal_buffer adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          2 
##                                                        dispersal_buffer eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                                     dispersal_buffer other 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                                         eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                                                                         41 
##                                                         eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          3 
##                                                        eco_biogeo_proxies dispersal_buffer 
##                                                                                          7 
##                                                        eco_biogeo_proxies management_units 
##                                                                                          3 
##                                                                   eco_biogeo_proxies other 
##                                                                                          2 
##                                                                           genetic_clusters 
##                                                                                        107 
##                                                           genetic_clusters adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          7 
##                                                          genetic_clusters dispersal_buffer 
##                                                                                         11 
##                                                        genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                                                                         20 
##                                        genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          3 
##                       genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits management_units 
##                                                                                          2 
##                                       genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies management_units 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                     genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                                                                         70 
##                                     genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          5 
##                                  genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                                                                          8 
##                  genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          1 
## genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits management_units 
##                                                                                          1 
##                 genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies management_units 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                    genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                                                                          8 
##                                                          genetic_clusters management_units 
##                                                                                          5 
##                                                                     genetic_clusters other 
##                                                                                          2 
##                                                                      geographic_boundaries 
##                                                                                        268 
##                                                      geographic_boundaries adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                         12 
##                               geographic_boundaries adaptive_traits management_units other 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                     geographic_boundaries dispersal_buffer 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                   geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                                                                        114 
##                                   geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies adaptive_traits 
##                                                                                          3 
##                                  geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies management_units 
##                                                                                          3 
##                                             geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies other 
##                                                                                          2 
##                                                     geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                                                                         24 
##                                                                geographic_boundaries other 
##                                                                                         12 
##                                                                           management_units 
##                                                                                         29 
##                                                                     management_units other 
##                                                                                          1 
##                                                                                      other 
##                                                                                         19

It is hard to group the above methods, so we will keep the original groups with n >=19 in the above list, and tag the combinations that appear few times as as “other_combinations”.

Which groups have n>=19?

x<$defined_populations)[table(indicators_full$defined_populations) >= 19])


We can add this new column to the metadata and indicator data:

### for indicators 
indicators_full<- indicators_full %>% 
  mutate(defined_populations_simplified = case_when(
         # if the method is in the list of methods n>=19 then keep it
         defined_populations %in% x$method ~ defined_populations,
         TRUE ~ "other_combinations"))

### for meta
metadata<- metadata %>% 
  mutate(defined_populations_simplified = case_when(
         # if the method is in the list of methods n>=19 then keep it
         defined_populations %in% x$method ~ defined_populations,
         TRUE ~ "other_combinations"))

### for ind1 raw data
ind1_data<- ind1_data %>% 
  mutate(defined_populations_simplified = case_when(
         # if the method is in the list of methods n>=19 then keep it
         defined_populations %in% x$method ~ defined_populations,
         TRUE ~ "other_combinations"))

Check n for simplified methods:

##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                      159 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       41 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                      107 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       20 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       70 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      268 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                      114 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       24 
##                         management_units 
##                                       29 
##                                    other 
##                                       19 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                      115

Table of equivalences:

indicators_full %>% 
       select(defined_populations, defined_populations_simplified) %>% 

Create nicer names for ploting

# original method names
##  [1] "dispersal_buffer"                        
##  [2] "eco_biogeo_proxies"                      
##  [3] "genetic_clusters"                        
##  [4] "genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies"     
##  [5] "genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries"  
##  [6] "geographic_boundaries"                   
##  [7] "geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies"
##  [8] "geographic_boundaries management_units"  
##  [9] "management_units"                        
## [10] "other"                                   
## [11] "other_combinations"
# nicer names
nice_names <- c("dispersal buffer",
                "eco- biogeographic proxies",
                 "genetic clusters",
                 "genetic clusters & eco- biogeographic proxies",
                 "genetic clusters & geographic boundaries",
                 "geographic boundaries",
                 "geographic boundaries & eco- biogeographic proxies",
                 "geographic boundaries & management units",
                 "management units",
                 "other combinations")

### add them
indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames <- factor(
    levels = levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_simplified)),
    labels = nice_names)

# metadata
metadata$defined_populations_nicenames <- factor(
    levels = levels(as.factor(metadata$defined_populations_simplified)),
    labels = nice_names)

#check names match
select(metadata, defined_populations_nicenames, defined_populations_simplified)
##  [1] "dispersal buffer"                                  
##  [2] "eco- biogeographic proxies"                        
##  [3] "genetic clusters"                                  
##  [4] "genetic clusters & eco- biogeographic proxies"     
##  [5] "genetic clusters & geographic boundaries"          
##  [6] "geographic boundaries"                             
##  [7] "geographic boundaries & eco- biogeographic proxies"
##  [8] "geographic boundaries & management units"          
##  [9] "management units"                                  
## [10] "other"                                             
## [11] "other combinations"

Averaging multiassessments (alternative assessments)

Some taxa were assessed twice or more times, for example to account for uncertainty on how to divide populations. This information is stored in variable multiassessment of the metadata (created by get_metadata()). An example of taxa with multiple assessments:

metadata %>%
filter(multiassessment=="multiassessment")  %>%
  select(taxonomic_group, taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment) %>%
  arrange(taxon, country_assessment) %>%

Alternative assessments allow to account for uncertainty in the number of populations or the size of them. We can examine how the indicators value species by species as done elsewhere in these analyses (see below “Values for indicator 1 and 2 for multiassessed species), but to examine global trends, some of the figures below use the average. The averages are stored in a different column, labeled indicator[1 or 2]_mean.

indicators_averaged<-indicators_full %>%
  # group desired multiassessments
  group_by(country_assessment, multiassessment, taxon) %>%
  # estimate means
  mutate(indicator1_mean=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(indicator2_mean=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  # change NaN for NA (needed due to the NAs and 0s in the dataset)
  mutate_all(~ifelse(is.nan(.), NA, .)) 
## `mutate_all()` ignored the following grouping variables:
## • Columns `country_assessment`, `multiassessment`, `taxon`
## ℹ Use `mutate_at(df, vars(-group_cols()), myoperation)` to silence the message.

Examples of how this looks to check it was done properly. For indicator 1:

A species assessed in different countries (Sweden and Belgium), with alternative assessment within Sweden. The average is computed only for the Swedish assessments

indicators_averaged %>%
  filter(taxon == "Barbastella barbastellus") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator1, indicator1_mean)

Alternative assessments within a single country:

indicators_averaged %>%
  filter(taxon == "Rana dalmatina") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator1, indicator1_mean, indicator2, indicator2_mean)
indicators_averaged %>%
  filter(taxon == "Notophthalmus perstriatus") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment,  indicator1, indicator1_mean, indicator2, indicator2_mean)

If one of the alternative assessments has NA, it is removed from the mean calculation, so that the average equals the value of the assessment that has data:

indicators_averaged %>%
  filter(taxon == "Alouatta palliata mexicana") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment,  indicator1, indicator1_mean, indicator2, indicator2_mean)

A species can have alternative assessments for both indicators:

indicators_averaged %>%
  filter(taxon == "Aphelocoma coerulescens") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator1, indicator1_mean, indicator2, indicator2_mean)

Because we will use the averages to show a single value for multiasssessed taxa, we can keep only the first record for multiassessed taxa.

indicators_averaged_one<-indicators_averaged[!duplicated(cbind(indicators_averaged$taxon, indicators_averaged$country_assessment)), ]

Example of how this looks:

indicators_averaged_one %>%
  filter(taxon == "Aphelocoma coerulescens") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator2, indicator2_mean, indicator1, indicator1_mean)
indicators_averaged_one %>%
  filter(taxon == "Rana dalmatina") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator2, indicator2_mean, indicator1, indicator1_mean)
indicators_averaged_one %>%
  filter(taxon == "Notophthalmus perstriatus") %>%
  select(taxon, country_assessment, multiassessment, indicator2, indicator2_mean, indicator1, indicator1_mean)

Total number of taxa (ie assessments averaging alternative assessments):

## [1] 919

General description of records and taxa assessed by country

Records by country, including taxa assessed more than once (see below for details on this)

ggplot(metadata, aes(x=country_assessment)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "count") +
  xlab("") +
  ggtitle("Number of taxa assessed by country, including taxa assed more than once") +

To explore what kind of taxa countries assessed regardless of if they assessed them once or more, we are going to use the subset indicators_averaged_one, were we averaged the indicators and kept only 1 record per assessment.

How many taxa were assessed (i.e. counting only once taxa that were assessed multiple times)?

# how many?
## [1] 919

Plot taxa assessed excluding duplicates, i.e. the real number of taxa assessed:

p1<-ggplot(indicators_averaged_one, aes(x=country_assessment)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "count") +
  xlab("") +
  ggtitle("Number of taxa assessed by country") +

Of which countries and taxonomic groups are the taxa that were assessed more than once?

p2<- indicators_averaged_one %>% # we use the _unique dataset so that multiassesed records are counted only once
        filter(multiassessment=="multiassessment") %>%

ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, fill=country_assessment)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "count") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) +
  labs(fill="Country") +
  xlab("") +
  ggtitle("Number of taxa assessed more than once") +


Total number of taxon with alternative assessments:

nrow(indicators_averaged_one %>% filter(multiassessment == "multiassessment"))
## [1] 44

Number of alternative assessments:

nrow(indicators_averaged%>% filter(multiassessment == "multiassessment"))
## [1] 91

How many alternative assessments there are per multiassessed taxon?

x<-indicators_averaged %>% select(country_assessment, multiassessment, taxon) %>%
                         filter(multiassessment == "multiassessment") %>%
                        group_by(taxon)  %>%

taxon n
Alasmidonta varicosa 2
Alouatta palliata mexicana 2
Ambystoma cingulatum 2
Anguis fragilis 2
Aphelocoma coerulescens 3
Astragalus microcymbus 2
Barbastella barbastellus 2
Bombus terricola 2
Cambarus elkensis 2
Coronella austriaca 2
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis 2
Cryptomastix devia 2
Erimystax harryi 2
Etheostoma chienense 2
Etheostoma osburni 2
Hemphillia burringtoni 2
Heterelmis stephani 2
Hydroprogne caspia 2
Lavinia exilicauda chi 2
Lepidium papilliferum 2
Mustela nigripes 2
Necturus lewisi 2
Nicrophorus americanus 2
Notophthalmus perstriatus 4
Notropis mekistocholas 2
Notropis topeka 2
Noturus munitus 2
Obovaria subrotunda 2
Oncorhynchus apache 2
Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis 2
Phonotimpus talquian 2
Pimelea spinescens subspecies spinescens 2
Plestiodon egregius egregius 2
Pleurobema rubrum 2
Procambarus orcinus 2
Pseudemys rubriventris 2
Rana dalmatina 2
Rhynchospora crinipes 2
Streptanthus bracteatus 2
Texella reyesi 2
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia 2
Thoburnia atripinnis 2
Toxolasma lividum 2
Zapus hudsonius luteus 2
## [1] 2.068182
## [1] 0.3339494
## [1] 2

Supplementary Figure S1: Number of species and multiassessed species per country

plot_grid(p1 + ggtitle(""),
          p2 + ggtitle(""), ncol = 1, labels = c("A)", "B)"))

ggsave("FigS1.pdf", width = 20, height = 24  , units = "cm")

Heatmap of the taxa assessed by country (counting multiassessments only once)

We aimed to represent different taxonomic groups within animals (amphibians, birds, fishes, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles), plants (angiosperms, bryophytes, gymnosperms and pteridophytes), fungi and others (e.g. lichens). Order levels to represent those categories:

indicators_averaged_one$taxonomic_group<- factor(indicators_averaged_one$taxonomic_group,
                                                 levels = c("amphibian", "bird", "fish", "invertebrate", "mammal", "reptile", "angiosperm", "bryophyte", "gymnosperm", "pteridophytes", "fungus", "other"))

Make a heatmap

## Agregate data to get counts 

agg_data <- indicators_averaged_one %>% # we use the _unique dataset so that multiassesed records are counted only once
        filter(multiassessment!="multiassessment") %>%
        group_by(country_assessment, taxonomic_group) %>%
        summarize(count = n())
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
# country names in desired order
agg_data$country_assessment <- factor(agg_data$country_assessment, 
                                      levels = rev(levels(agg_data$country_assessment)))
## Create a heat map
p_heat<- ggplot(agg_data, aes(x = taxonomic_group, y = country_assessment, fill = count)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "lightblue", high = "darkblue") +  # Adjust color scale as needed
  labs(x = "",
    y = "",
    fill = "Number of taxa"
  ) + 
  scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
  theme_light() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0),
    legend.position = "right", text = element_text(size = 13),
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # remove background

Population size data (Has Nc or Ne? what type of Nc?)

Transform NAs to insuff_data_species, since effectively they are the same:

# check NAs
##    data_for_species insuff_data_species                 yes                NA's 
##                 130                 216                 613                   7
# Replace NA to insuff_data_species
metadata <-metadata %>% 
           mutate(popsize_data=replace_na(popsize_data, "insuff_data_species"))

# check
##    data_for_species insuff_data_species                 yes 
##                 130                 223                 613

Re-order popsize_data to have inssuficient data at the end in the plots

                              levels= c("insuff_data_species", "data_for_species","yes"))

Supplementary Figure S5: Population size data availability by country

Countries have population size data (Nc or Ne) regardless of the taxonomic group. The last panel includes the entire dataset:

## Duplicate data with an additional column "facet"

df<-CreateAllFacet(metadata, "country_assessment")

# order with "all" as last
df$facet <- factor(df$facet, levels=c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA", "all"))

# Plot
ggplot(df, aes(x=taxonomic_group, fill=popsize_data)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "count", color="white") +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(~facet, ncol = 5, scales="free_x") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#2ca02c", "#1f77b4", "grey80"),
                    breaks=c("yes", "data_for_species", "insuff_data_species"),
                    labels=c("Population level", "Species or subspecies level", "Insufficient data")) +  
  labs(fill="Population size data availability",
       y="Number of taxa (including records of taxa assessed more than once)") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="top")

ggsave("FigS5.pdf", width = 31, height = 25  , units = "cm")

Population size data availability in the entire dataset, by taxon group:

ggplot(metadata, aes(x=taxonomic_group, fill=popsize_data)) + 
                geom_bar(stat = "count", color="white") +
                coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#2ca02c", "#1f77b4", "grey80"),
                    breaks=c("yes", "data_for_species", "insuff_data_species"),
                    labels=c("Population level", "Species or subspecies level", "Insufficient data")) +  
                labs(fill="Population size data availability",
                     y="Number of taxa") +
                theme_light() +

Population size data availability in the entire dataset, by taxon country:

p.popsize<-ggplot(metadata, aes(x=country_assessment, fill=popsize_data)) + 
                geom_bar(stat = "count", color="white") +
                coord_flip() + 
                scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
   scale_fill_manual(values=c("#2ca02c", "#1f77b4", "grey80"),
                    breaks=c("yes", "data_for_species", "insuff_data_species"),
                    labels=c("Population level", "Species or subspecies level", "Insufficient data")) +  
   labs(fill="Population size data availability",
                     y="Number of taxa") +
                theme_light() +
                theme(text = element_text(size = 13), panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="right")

Species level yes/no table with percentages

#total n
## [1] 966
# table
df<- indicators_full %>%
     group_by(popsize_data) %>%
             percentage = (n / nrow(metadata)) * 100)
kable(df, digits = 0)
popsize_data n percentage
data_for_species 130 13
insuff_data_species 216 22
yes 613 63
NA 7 1

Ne data yes or not? & Type of Nc data

Ne available by taxa? (species level)

p1<- metadata %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(ne_pops_exists!="other_genetic_info") %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=ne_pops_exists)) + 
  geom_bar(color="white") +
scale_fill_manual(labels=c("No", "Yes"),
                      breaks=c("no_genetic_data", "ne_available"),
                      values=c("#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c")) +
xlab("") +
ylab("Number of taxa") +
labs(fill="Ne available \n(from genetic data)")  +
theme_light() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "right", panel.border = element_blank())


Nc data available by taxa? (species level)

p2<-metadata %>%
  filter(! %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=nc_pops_exists)) +
    geom_bar(color="white") +
scale_fill_manual(labels=c("No", "Yes"),
                      breaks=c("no", "yes"),
                      values=c("#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c")) +
    labs(fill="Nc available") +
    xlab("") +
    ylab("Number of taxa") +
    theme_light() +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "right", panel.border = element_blank())

What kind of Nc data? (dodge bars) This is at population level.

ind1_data %>%
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=NcType))+
  geom_bar(position = "dodge", color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Point", "Range \nor qualitative", "Unknown"),
                      breaks=c("Nc_point", "Nc_range", "unknown"),
                      values=c("#0072B2", "#E69F00", "grey80")) +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Number of populations") +
  labs(fill="Type of Nc data \nby population") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "right", panel.border = element_blank())

What kind of Nc data? (fill bars). This is at population level.

p3<-ind1_data %>%
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=NcType))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Point", "Range \nor qualitative", "Unknown"),
                      breaks=c("Nc_point", "Nc_range", "unknown"),
                      values=c("#0072B2", "#E69F00", "grey80")) +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Proportion of populations") +
  labs(fill="Type of Nc data \nby population") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "right", panel.border = element_blank())

Data availability at the population level cosidering Ne and Nc combined. This plot shows where data came from for the Ne value used for estimating the indicator.

p4<-ind1_data %>%
  # NA as a category
  mutate(Ne_calculated_from = replace_na(Ne_calculated_from, "NA")) %>%
  # reorder to have NA at the end (here at the start because we will use coord_flip below)
  mutate(Ne_calculated_from = factor(Ne_calculated_from, levels=c("NA", "NcRange ratio", "NcPoint ratio", "genetic data")))  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=Ne_calculated_from))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Genetic data", "Nc ratio (point)", "Nc ratio (range or qualitative)", "Missing data"),
                      breaks=c("genetic data", "NcPoint ratio", "NcRange ratio", "NA"),
                      values=c("darkgreen", "#3388CC", "#E69F00", "grey80")) +
  xlab("") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) + 
  ylab("Percentage of populations") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) + # show axis in % instead of decimal
  labs(fill="Data used to estimate Ne") +
  theme_light() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "bottom", panel.border = element_blank())

Supplementary Figure S4: Ne and Nc data availabiltiy by taxa

plot_grid(p1 + theme(legend.justification = c(0,.5)),  # legend.justification is used to aling legends
          p2 + theme(legend.justification = c(0,.5)),
          ncol=1, align = "v", labels=c("A)", "B)"), vjust = .95)  

ggsave("FigS4.pdf", width = 23, height = 25  , units = "cm")

Range of values for Ne and Nc data

Range of Ne values by taxonomic group, without possible outliers (Ne > 100000)

ind1_data %>%
  filter(Ne < 100000) %>%
  filter(!  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, y=Ne)) +
  geom_boxplot(color="grey50") +
  geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1, color="darkred") +
  xlab("") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

Check outliers

ind1_data %>% 
  filter(Ne > 100000) %>%
  select(country_assessment, name_assessor, taxon, taxonomic_group, Ne, NeLower, NeUpper, multiassessment, population)

Range of Nc values (actual data point provided) by taxonomic group. Without possible outliers.

ind1_data %>%
  filter(!  %>%
  filter(NcPoint < 10000000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, y=NcPoint)) +
  geom_boxplot(color="grey50") +
  geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1, color="darkred") +
  xlab("") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

Check outliers

ind1_data %>% 
  filter(NcPoint > 10000000) %>% 
  select(country_assessment, name_assessor, taxon, taxonomic_group, population, NcPoint, NcLower, NcUpper, multiassessment, population)

Range of Ne values by taxonomic group from different sources. Without possible outliers.

ind1_data %>%
  filter(!  %>%
  filter(Ne < 100000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, y=Ne_combined)) +
  geom_boxplot(color="grey50") +
  geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1, color="darkred") +
  xlab("") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

Range of Ne values by taxonomic group from different sources. Zoom to Ne < 10,000

ind1_data %>%
  filter(!  %>%
  filter(Ne < 10000) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, y=Ne_combined)) +
  geom_boxplot(color="grey50") +
  geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1, color="darkred") +
  xlab("") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

Number of populations with Ne < 50 from genetic or NcPoint data

The more worrying threshold, where the effects of inbreeding become more pronounced in the short-term (more immediate risk of extinction), occurs at Ne < 50. We cannot estimate how many populations are below this threshold from all our data, since the NcRange variable includes qualitative range data (eg. “less 5000 by much”) that we can translate into more/less than Ne 500, but not Ne 50.

Therefore to count how many populations are Ne < 50 we first selected the populations with Ne or NcPoint data:

forNe50<- ind1_data %>%
          # keep only rows without missing data in Ne or NcPoint
          filter(! | ! %>%
          # keep more relevant variables:
          select(country_assessment, taxon, Ne, MethodNe, NcPoint, NcRange, Ne_from_Nc, Ne_calculated_from, Ne_combined)


Total number of populations with Ne or Nc_point data:

## [1] 1615

We then can count how many of them are below Ne 50:

# select pops Ne_combined (coming from either Ne genetic or NePoint converted with the ratio)
Neless50<- forNe50  %>% filter(Ne_combined < 50)

# how many?
## [1] 919
# % of the the total number of pops with Ne or Nc_point data:
round(nrow(Neless50) / nrow(forNe50) * 100)
## [1] 57

Check by origin of the Nc data

Neless50 %>% ggplot(aes(x=Ne_combined, fill=Ne_calculated_from)) +
  geom_histogram(alpha=0.6, position = 'identity') + theme_light()
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Missing data on extant and extinct populations

We have NA in Proportion of maintained populations (indicator) because in some cases the number of extinct populations is unknown, therefore the operation cannot be computed.


Total records with NA in extant populations:

## [1] 19

Taxa with NA in extant populations:

indicators_full %>%
  filter( %>%
    select(country_assessment, taxonomic_group, taxon, n_extant_populations, n_extint_populations)

Total taxa with NA in extinct populations:

## [1] 416

Do taxa with NA for extant also have NA for extinct?

indicators_full$taxon[$n_extant_populations)] %in% indicators_full$taxon[$n_extint_populations)]

So out of the 966, we have 416 records with NA in n_extinct and 19 records with NA in n_extant. Of them, 19 have NA in both n_extant and n_extinct.

Plot missing data extinct populations

p5<-indicators_full %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=! + # Notice this shows which taxa DO NOT have NA, ie exctint pops are KNOWN
  geom_bar(color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Number of populations known", "Number of populations unknown"),
                     breaks =c("TRUE", "FALSE"),
                     values=c("#2ca02c", "#ff7f0e")) + 
  labs(fill="Data availability on extinct \npopulations") +
  xlab("") + ylab("Number of taxa") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13), legend.position = "right", panel.border = element_blank())

Supplementary Figure S3: Missing data in extinct populations by country and method and by taxonomic group

Missing data in number of extinct populations by method to define populations:

pa<-indicators_full %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=defined_populations_nicenames, fill=! +
  geom_bar(color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Number of populations \nknown", "Number of populations \nunknown"),
                     breaks =c("TRUE", "FALSE"),
                     values=c("#2ca02c", "#ff7f0e")) + 
  labs(fill="Data availability on \nextinct populations") +
  xlab("") + ylab("Number of taxa") +
  facet_wrap(country_assessment ~., nrow = 3, scales="free_x") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="top")

Missing data in number of extinct populations by method to define populations:

pb<-indicators_full %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxonomic_group, fill=!
  geom_bar(color="white") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("Number of populations \nknown", "Number of populations \nunknown"),
                     breaks =c("TRUE", "FALSE"),
                     values=c("#2ca02c", "#ff7f0e")) + 
  labs(fill="Data availability on \nextinct populations") +
  xlab("") + ylab("Number of taxa") +
  facet_wrap(country_assessment ~., nrow = 3, scales="free_x") +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none")

Single figure:

plot_grid(pa, pb, 
          align = "v", ncol=1,
          rel_heights = c(1.1, 1),
          labels=c("A)", "B)"))

ggsave("FigS3.pdf", width = 31, height = 50  , units = "cm")

Main Figure 1: Taxa by country and data availability to estimate Ne indciator (origion of data to estimate Ne) and PM indicator (missing data on pop extinction):

Distribution of Nc, Ne and types of Ne in a single figure with 4 panels, using count for a, b & c, and proportions for d:

# plot

plot_grid(p_heat + theme(legend.position = "right", legend.justification = c(0,.5)), # legend.justification aligns legends
           p5 + coord_flip() + 
            scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
            theme(legend.position = "right", legend.justification = c(0,.5)),
          p.popsize + theme(legend.position = "right", legend.justification = c(0,.5)),
          p4  + theme(legend.position = "right", legend.justification = c(0,.5)), 
          ncol = 1, labels = c("A)", "B)", "C)", "D)"), align = "v",
          rel_heights = c(1.3, 1, 1,1))

ggsave("Fig1.pdf", width = 17, height = 33  , units = "cm")

Main Figure 2: Method to define populations used by country and taxa (alluvial)

Reformat data

# reformat data
foralluvial<-metadata %>% group_by(country_assessment, defined_populations_nicenames, taxonomic_group) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment',
## 'defined_populations_nicenames'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
# define colors
my_cols<- simplifiedmethods_colors

# we need a vector of colors by country for each row of the dataset, so:
## [1] "#668cd1" "#668cd1" "#668cd1" "#668cd1" "#668cd1" "#45c097"


alluvial(foralluvial[,1:3], freq = foralluvial$n,
         gap.width = 0.5,
         xw = 0.1,
         cw = 0.2,
         border = NA,
         alpha = .7)

pdf("Fig2.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
# plot
alluvial(foralluvial[,1:3], freq = foralluvial$n,
         gap.width = 0.5,
         xw = 0.1,
         cw = 0.2,
         border = NA,
         alpha = .7)
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Get count to add numbers outside R:

# n for country
metadata %>% group_by(country_assessment) %>%
# n for taxonomic group
metadata %>% group_by(taxonomic_group) %>%

Exploratory plots for the association of distribution range (restricted vs wide) on the indicators

All the following plots and analyses consider the average of multiassessed species (variable _mean), so that they are shown only once.

To have nicer looking plots, change “wide_ranging” for “wide ranging”:

indicators_averaged_one$species_range<-gsub("wide_ranging", "wide ranging", indicators_averaged_one$species_range)

Indicator 1 (Ne>500)

Plot Indicator 1 by type of range in the entire dataset. Filtering NA in species range:

# get sample size by desired category
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(! %>% 
                    group_by(species_range) %>% summarize(num=n())

# plot
p1<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
  # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>% 
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(species_range, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%

  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1_mean , fill=species_range)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(breaks=c("wide ranging", "restricted", "unknown"),
                       labels=c("wide ranging", "restricted", "unknown"),
                       values=c("#00BFC4", "#F8766D", "grey80")) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", text= element_text(size=20))
## Joining, by = "species_range"

Plot Ne Indicator by country and type of range. Remove “unknown” and NA for better visualization.

### Duplicate dataframe to have a column with "all data" for faceting
df<-CreateAllFacet(indicators_averaged_one, "country_assessment")

# order with "all" as last
df$facet <- factor(df$facet, levels=c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA", "all"))

## plot
df  %>% 
  # filter out "unknown" range
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>% 
# plot
ggplot(aes(x=species_range, y=indicator1_mean , fill=species_range)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_x_discrete(breaks=c("wide ranging", "restricted"),
                        labels=c("wide ranging", "restricted")) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", text= element_text(size=15)) +
      facet_wrap(~facet, ncol = 5) +
      theme(panel.spacing = unit(1.5, "lines"))  
## Warning: Removed 658 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Removed 658 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Indicator 2 (mantained populations)

Plot Indicator 2 by type of range in the entire dataset. Filtering NA in species range:

# get sample size by desired category
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(! %>% 
                    group_by(species_range) %>% summarize(num=n())

# plot
p2<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
  # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>% 
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(species_range, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%

  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2_mean , fill=species_range)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(breaks=c("wide ranging", "restricted", "unknown"),
                       labels=c("wide ranging", "restricted", "unknown"),
                       values=c("#00BFC4", "#F8766D", "grey80")) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", text= element_text(size=20))
## Joining, by = "species_range"

Plot Indicator 2 by country and type of range. We remove NA and unknown for better visualization.

### Duplicate dataframe to have a column with "all data" for faceting
df<-CreateAllFacet(indicators_averaged_one, "country_assessment")

# order with "all" as last
df$facet <- factor(df$facet, levels=c("Australia", "Belgium", "Colombia", "France", "Japan", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Sweden", "USA", "all"))

## plot
df  %>% 
  # filter out "unknown" range
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>% 
# plot
ggplot(aes(x=species_range, y=indicator2_mean , fill=species_range)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", text= element_text(size=15)) +
      facet_wrap(~facet, ncol = 5) +
      theme(panel.spacing = unit(1.5, "lines"))  
## Warning: Removed 742 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Warning: Removed 742 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Single plot PM and Ne indicators by range type

plot_grid(p1, p2,  ncol=1, align = "v", labels=c("a)", "b)"))  

Sampling size of different variables useful to interpret the statistical models run below

The plots and tables below are meant to visualize the sampling size and data distribution of some of the variables used in the models below. Data is a subset filtering outliers (>500 populations) and using the simplified methods (see above). Multiassessed species are considered independently (each assessment is a data point).

Number of maintained populations by country and method

Number of maintained populations by country and method is useful to interpret the models that would be run below.

indicators_full %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>% # filter outliers
  # order countries vertically by similar number of pops
  mutate(country_assessment = factor(country_assessment, 
                                     levels=c("Colombia", "Australia", "Belgium",
                                               "Mexico", "France", "USA", 
                                               "South Africa", "Japan", "Sweden"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=defined_populations_nicenames, y=n_extant_populations, 
             fill=defined_populations_nicenames, color=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
          geom_boxplot() +
          geom_jitter(size=.3, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(country_assessment ~ ., nrow=3, scales="free_x") +
  xlab("")  +
  ylab("Number of maintained populations") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, .3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        text = element_text(size = 15)) 

Ne values

ind1_data %>% 
  filter(Ne_combined < 100000) %>% # filter outliers

  ggplot(aes(x=defined_populations_simplified, y=Ne_combined, 
             color=Ne_calculated_from)) +
          geom_boxplot(position = "dodge") +
          geom_jitter(position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) +  
          facet_wrap(country_assessment ~ ., nrow=3) +
          coord_flip() +

Zoom to Ne 500

ind1_data %>% 
  filter(Ne_combined < 100000) %>% # filter outliers

  ggplot(aes(x=defined_populations_simplified, y=Ne_combined, 
             color=Ne_calculated_from)) +
          geom_boxplot(position = "dodge") +
          geom_jitter(position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) +  
          facet_wrap(country_assessment ~ ., nrow=3) +
          coord_flip() +
## Warning: Removed 104 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 104 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Summary table for sampling size by method and source of Ne:

x<- ind1_data %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(defined_populations_simplified, Ne_calculated_from) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'defined_populations_simplified'. You can
## override using the `.groups` argument.
defined_populations_simplified Ne_calculated_from n
dispersal_buffer genetic data 10
dispersal_buffer NcPoint ratio 226
dispersal_buffer NcRange ratio 1114
eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 8
eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 55
eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 82
genetic_clusters genetic data 43
genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 32
genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 59
genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 4
genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 3
genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 18
genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 44
genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 34
genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 83
geographic_boundaries genetic data 142
geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 478
geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 594
geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 8
geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 68
geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 200
geographic_boundaries management_units genetic data 29
geographic_boundaries management_units NcPoint ratio 189
geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 22
management_units NcPoint ratio 48
management_units NcRange ratio 76
other NcPoint ratio 3
other NcRange ratio 14
other_combinations genetic data 61
other_combinations NcPoint ratio 130
other_combinations NcRange ratio 712

Same as above but adding country:

x<- ind1_data %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(country_assessment, defined_populations_simplified, Ne_calculated_from) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment',
## 'defined_populations_simplified'. You can override using the `.groups`
## argument.
country_assessment defined_populations_simplified Ne_calculated_from n
Australia genetic_clusters genetic data 7
Australia genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 8
Australia genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 15
Australia genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 13
Australia genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 7
Australia geographic_boundaries genetic data 15
Australia geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 76
Australia geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 59
Australia geographic_boundaries management_units NcPoint ratio 8
Australia geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 3
Australia management_units NcRange ratio 3
Australia other_combinations NcRange ratio 4
Belgium dispersal_buffer genetic data 10
Belgium dispersal_buffer NcPoint ratio 8
Belgium dispersal_buffer NcRange ratio 844
Belgium genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 7
Belgium other_combinations genetic data 40
Belgium other_combinations NcPoint ratio 2
Belgium other_combinations NcRange ratio 379
Colombia geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 4
Colombia geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 46
Colombia other_combinations NcRange ratio 1
France eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 7
France genetic_clusters genetic data 3
France genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 1
France genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 3
France genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 1
France genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 6
France genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 6
France genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 7
France geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 12
France geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 22
France geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 1
France geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 2
France geographic_boundaries management_units genetic data 15
France geographic_boundaries management_units NcPoint ratio 38
France geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 12
France management_units NcPoint ratio 10
France management_units NcRange ratio 8
France other_combinations genetic data 3
France other_combinations NcPoint ratio 20
France other_combinations NcRange ratio 10
Japan dispersal_buffer NcPoint ratio 214
Japan dispersal_buffer NcRange ratio 232
Japan geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 1
Japan geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 5
Mexico genetic_clusters genetic data 13
Mexico genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 15
Mexico genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 24
Mexico genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 1
Mexico genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 17
Mexico genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 2
Mexico genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 6
Mexico genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 15
Mexico geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 75
Mexico other NcRange ratio 1
Mexico other_combinations genetic data 4
Mexico other_combinations NcRange ratio 26
South Africa genetic_clusters genetic data 12
South Africa genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 3
South Africa genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 6
South Africa genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 2
South Africa genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 1
South Africa genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 2
South Africa genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 2
South Africa genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 11
South Africa geographic_boundaries genetic data 2
South Africa geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 28
South Africa geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 21
South Africa geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 1
South Africa management_units NcPoint ratio 1
South Africa other NcRange ratio 1
South Africa other_combinations genetic data 2
South Africa other_combinations NcPoint ratio 8
South Africa other_combinations NcRange ratio 4
Sweden dispersal_buffer NcPoint ratio 4
Sweden dispersal_buffer NcRange ratio 38
Sweden eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 26
Sweden genetic_clusters genetic data 7
Sweden genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 3
Sweden genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 11
Sweden genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries genetic data 19
Sweden genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 6
Sweden genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 41
Sweden geographic_boundaries genetic data 2
Sweden geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 67
Sweden geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 168
Sweden geographic_boundaries management_units NcPoint ratio 3
Sweden geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 5
Sweden management_units NcPoint ratio 12
Sweden other NcRange ratio 10
Sweden other_combinations genetic data 3
Sweden other_combinations NcPoint ratio 7
Sweden other_combinations NcRange ratio 265
USA eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 1
USA eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 55
USA eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 56
USA genetic_clusters genetic data 1
USA genetic_clusters NcPoint ratio 3
USA genetic_clusters NcRange ratio 10
USA genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 1
USA genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 2
USA geographic_boundaries genetic data 123
USA geographic_boundaries NcPoint ratio 294
USA geographic_boundaries NcRange ratio 244
USA geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies genetic data 8
USA geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcPoint ratio 63
USA geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies NcRange ratio 152
USA geographic_boundaries management_units genetic data 14
USA geographic_boundaries management_units NcPoint ratio 140
USA geographic_boundaries management_units NcRange ratio 1
USA management_units NcPoint ratio 25
USA management_units NcRange ratio 65
USA other NcPoint ratio 3
USA other NcRange ratio 2
USA other_combinations genetic data 9
USA other_combinations NcPoint ratio 93
USA other_combinations NcRange ratio 23

Distribution type (wide / restricted)

x<-indicators_full %>% filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
                    group_by(defined_populations_nicenames, species_range) %>% 
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'defined_populations_nicenames'. You can
## override using the `.groups` argument.
defined_populations_nicenames species_range n
dispersal buffer restricted 54
dispersal buffer wide_ranging 99
eco- biogeographic proxies restricted 24
eco- biogeographic proxies wide_ranging 16
genetic clusters restricted 46
genetic clusters wide_ranging 59
genetic clusters & eco- biogeographic proxies restricted 8
genetic clusters & eco- biogeographic proxies wide_ranging 12
genetic clusters & geographic boundaries restricted 34
genetic clusters & geographic boundaries wide_ranging 34
geographic boundaries restricted 202
geographic boundaries wide_ranging 65
geographic boundaries & eco- biogeographic proxies restricted 74
geographic boundaries & eco- biogeographic proxies wide_ranging 17
geographic boundaries & management units restricted 14
geographic boundaries & management units wide_ranging 10
management units restricted 14
management units wide_ranging 13
other restricted 13
other wide_ranging 4
other combinations restricted 45
other combinations wide_ranging 64

Supplementary Figure S6: number of mantained populations by method to define populations and range type

Facet by range type:

p<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=defined_populations_nicenames, y=n_extant_populations)) +
                           fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) + 
    xlab("") + ylab("Number of maintained populations") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  facet_wrap("species_range", ncol=1) + 
  geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +


ggsave("FigS6.pdf", width = 18, height = 19  , units = "cm")

Statistical models: test for associations between method used to define populations / range type on the number of populations and the indicator values

The analyses and plots below us a subset of data filtering outliers (>500 populations) and using the simplified methods (see above). Multiassessed species are considered independently (each assessment is a data point).

(a) Does the number of maintained pops vary with method used?

First we tested whether the different methods reported in this study were associated with varying numbers of populations obtained. For this analysis, we also controlled for range type, as we expect species with wider ranges to plausibly have more populations than species with narrower ranges.

Plot number of populations by method.

# Prepare data for plot with nice labels:
# sample size of TOTAL populations
sample_size <- indicators_full %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
                    group_by(defined_populations_nicenames) %>% summarize(num=n())

# custom axis
## new dataframe
df<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
    # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>%
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(defined_populations_nicenames, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%
#myaxis needs levels in the same order than defined_populations_nicenames
  mutate(myaxis = factor(myaxis, 
                  levels=levels(as.factor(myaxis))[c(1,12,2:11,13)])) # reorders levels
## Joining, by = "defined_populations_nicenames"
# plot for number of pops
  pa<- df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=n_extant_populations, color=defined_populations_nicenames,
                                               fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
          geom_boxplot() + xlab("") + ylab("Number of maintained populations") +
          geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +  
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

Prepare data for model (remove outliers, “unknown” category and NA in desired variable) and check n:

# remove missing data 
data_for_model<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(species_range !="unknown") %>% # we remove "unknonw" because its n is too low, thus unbalancing the model
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for plots

# check n per method
##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                      149 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       40 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                      103 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       19 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       68 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      263 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       90 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       24 
##                         management_units 
##                                       27 
##                                    other 
##                                       14 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                      106
# total n
## [1] 903
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

# make sure specis range is a factor

Run model asking: Does the number of maintained pops vary with method and range?

m.a1<-glmer(data_for_model$n_extant_populations ~ data_for_model$defined_populations_simplified + data_for_model$species_range + (1|data_for_model$country_assessment), family ="poisson")

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: poisson  ( log )
## Formula: 
## data_for_model$n_extant_populations ~ data_for_model$defined_populations_simplified +  
##     data_for_model$species_range + (1 | data_for_model$country_assessment)
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  24348.0  24410.4 -12161.0  24322.0      890 
## Scaled residuals: 
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -7.343 -2.886 -1.068  0.556 84.303 
## Random effects:
##  Groups                            Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  data_for_model$country_assessment (Intercept) 0.931    0.9649  
## Number of obs: 903, groups:  data_for_model$country_assessment, 9
## Fixed effects:
##                                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                            1.940970
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         -1.160563
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.059980
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         -1.415226
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      -1.291565
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.159258
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.012621
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units   -0.006828
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.662463
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    -1.172203
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       -0.645222
## data_for_model$species_rangewide_ranging                                               0.982729
##                                                                                       Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                             0.322581
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.051124
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.034284
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.063791
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.094117
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.036018
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.040706
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.051351
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           0.055633
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.111661
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.035778
## data_for_model$species_rangewide_ranging                                                0.020473
##                                                                                       z value
## (Intercept)                                                                             6.017
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         -22.701
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         1.750
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         -22.185
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      -13.723
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     4.422
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.310
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    -0.133
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -11.908
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    -10.498
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       -18.034
## data_for_model$species_rangewide_ranging                                               48.002
##                                                                                       Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                           1.78e-09
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.0802
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   9.80e-06
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.7565
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.8942
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        < 2e-16
## data_for_model$species_rangewide_ranging                                               < 2e-16
## (Intercept)                                                                           ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       .  
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       ***
## data_for_model$species_rangewide_ranging                                              ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                                    (Intr) dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_     -0.036                               
## dt_fr_$____                        -0.015  0.118                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_     -0.016  0.108                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__ -0.006  0.050                        
## dt_f_$___g_                        -0.024  0.135                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__ -0.022  0.096                        
## dt_f_$___m_                        -0.014  0.071                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_     -0.008  0.081                        
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                      -0.006  0.039                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_     -0.029  0.437                        
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.026 -0.111                        
##                                    d__$____ dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                            
## dt_fr_$____                                                               
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_      0.113                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__  0.108    0.057                        
## dt_f_$___g_                         0.194    0.168                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__  0.270    0.093                        
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.158    0.079                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.187    0.078                        
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                       0.077    0.036                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.217    0.148                        
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.151   -0.095                        
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__ d__$_g
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                              
## dt_fr_$____                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___g_                         0.088                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__  0.095                              0.163
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.057                              0.132
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.069                              0.130
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                       0.028                              0.064
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.091                              0.224
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.079                             -0.109
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__ d__$_m
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                              
## dt_fr_$____                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___g_                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.141                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.167                              0.099
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                       0.065                              0.043
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.187                              0.130
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.146                             -0.030
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_ dt_fr_mdl$d__
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                                 
## dt_fr_$____                                                                    
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                             
## dt_f_$___g_                                                                    
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__                                             
## dt_f_$___m_                                                                    
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                       0.047                                      
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.144                          0.065       
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.151                         -0.023       
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                   
## dt_fr_$____                                                      
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                               
## dt_f_$___g_                                                      
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__                               
## dt_f_$___m_                                                      
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$d__                                                    
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$s__                      -0.146

Considering the role of method was so important for determining the number of populations, we also tested whether this effect remained after removing “wide-ranging” from the model. The objective here was to test whether method alone would also produce varying numbers of populations, for example if species rangedness were unknown.

Does the number of maintained pops vary with method used? (does method still influence number of populations if we exclude range type from the model):

m.a2<-glmer(data_for_model$n_extant_populations ~ data_for_model$defined_populations_simplified + 
            (1|data_for_model$country_assessment), family ="poisson")

See results:

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: poisson  ( log )
## Formula: 
## data_for_model$n_extant_populations ~ data_for_model$defined_populations_simplified +  
##     (1 | data_for_model$country_assessment)
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  26681.3  26739.0 -13328.7  26657.3      891 
## Scaled residuals: 
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -6.006 -2.914 -1.304  0.239 74.870 
## Random effects:
##  Groups                            Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  data_for_model$country_assessment (Intercept) 1.055    1.027   
## Number of obs: 903, groups:  data_for_model$country_assessment, 9
## Fixed effects:
##                                                                                       Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                            2.24642
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         -0.87138
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.30408
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         -1.11830
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      -0.92439
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.34580
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  0.27544
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.06671
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.24310
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    -1.04429
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       -0.38714
##                                                                                       Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                              0.34317
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            0.05300
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          0.03408
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                            0.06348
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies         0.09394
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries      0.03532
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    0.04060
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      0.05115
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            0.05505
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                       0.11175
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                          0.03549
##                                                                                       z value
## (Intercept)                                                                             6.546
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         -16.442
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         8.922
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         -17.616
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       -9.840
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     9.790
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   6.785
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.304
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -4.416
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     -9.345
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       -10.908
##                                                                                       Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                           5.91e-11
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 1.16e-11
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      0.192
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         1.00e-05
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     < 2e-16
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        < 2e-16
## (Intercept)                                                                           ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    ***
## data_for_model$defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                                    (Intr) dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_     -0.038                               
## dt_fr_$____                        -0.019  0.107                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_     -0.017  0.093                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__ -0.008  0.042                        
## dt_f_$___g_                        -0.024  0.115                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__ -0.026  0.086                        
## dt_f_$___m_                        -0.013  0.072                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_     -0.013  0.068                        
## dt_fr_md$__                        -0.006  0.035                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_     -0.031  0.432                        
##                                    d__$____ dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                            
## dt_fr_$____                                                               
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_      0.104                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__  0.102    0.053                        
## dt_f_$___g_                         0.200    0.147                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__  0.261    0.085                        
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.162    0.071                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.171    0.067                        
## dt_fr_md$__                         0.082    0.037                        
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.214    0.135                        
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__ d__$_g
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                              
## dt_fr_$____                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___g_                         0.084                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__  0.089                              0.168
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.057                              0.134
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.060                              0.127
## dt_fr_md$__                         0.030                              0.065
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.086                              0.207
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__ d__$_m
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                              
## dt_fr_$____                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___g_                                                                 
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__                                          
## dt_f_$___m_                         0.142                                   
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_      0.150                              0.098
## dt_fr_md$__                         0.070                              0.047
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.182                              0.134
##                                    dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_ dt__$__
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdd_                                           
## dt_fr_$____                                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdg_                                           
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgn_e__                                       
## dt_f_$___g_                                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdgg_e__                                       
## dt_f_$___m_                                                              
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdm_                                           
## dt_fr_md$__                         0.048                                
## dt_fr_mdl$dfnd_ppltns_smplfdt_      0.133                          0.067

Extending from this result, we also tested whether species range alone is an important predictor of the number of extant populations, as species range is determined by the geographic spread of the species, but not necessarily fragmentation

Does the number of maintained pops vary with range?

m.a3<-glmer(n_extant_populations ~ species_range + (1|country_assessment), family = "poisson", data = data_for_model)

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: poisson  ( log )
## Formula: n_extant_populations ~ species_range + (1 | country_assessment)
##    Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  26119.4  26133.8 -13056.7  26113.4      900 
## Scaled residuals: 
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -6.454 -2.959 -1.215 -0.071 91.960 
## Random effects:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.7003   0.8368  
## Number of obs: 903, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Fixed effects:
##                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                1.58170    0.27971   5.655 1.56e-08 ***
## species_rangewide_ranging  0.84563    0.01981  42.688  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr)
## spcs_rngwd_ -0.042

(b) Does the proportion of maintained populations (indicator2) vary with method used to define populations?

Our next goal was to determine whether study design (i.e. clustering method to define populations) and/or species-level variables (number of populations, range type) appropriately were associated with the measurement of the genetic indicators.

Plot PM indicator by method to define populations:

# Prepare data for plot with nice labels:
# sample size of TOTAL populations
sample_size <- indicators_full %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>% 
                    group_by(defined_populations_nicenames) %>% summarize(num=n())

# custom axis
## new dataframe
df<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
    # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>%
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(defined_populations_nicenames, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%
#myaxis needs levels in the same order than defined_populations_nicenames
  mutate(myaxis = factor(myaxis, 
                  levels=levels(as.factor(myaxis))[c(1,12,2:11,13)])) # reorders levels
## Joining, by = "defined_populations_nicenames"
## plot for Proportion of maintained populations (indicator)
pb<- df %>%
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2, color=defined_populations_nicenames,    
                                     fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
          geom_boxplot() + xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
          geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots) 
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

Plot Scatter plot of indicator2 vs extant pops

psupA<- indicators_full %>%
  # filter outliers with too many pops and missing data
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
  # plot
    ggplot(aes(x=n_extant_populations, y=indicator2, color=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_light() +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
    xlab("Number of maintained populations") +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

psupA.1<- indicators_full %>%
  # filter outliers with too many pops and missing data
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
  # plot
    ggplot(aes(x=n_extant_populations, y=indicator2, color=species_range)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_light() +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
    xlab("Number of maintained populations") +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

First we want to test if the Proportion of maintained populations (indicator 2) vary with method used.

Prepare data for model (remove outliers and NA in desired variable) and check n:

# remove missing data 
data_for_model<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for plots

# check n per method
##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                       78 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       30 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                       50 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       12 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       41 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      170 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       41 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       17 
##                         management_units 
##                                       23 
##                                    other 
##                                        9 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                       77
# total n
## [1] 548
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

Run model asking: Does Proportion of maintained populations (indicator 2) vary with method used? Controlling for variation in indicator2 among countries:

m.b1<-glmmTMB(indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)

See results:

##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    667.8    732.4   -318.9    637.8      533 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.332    0.5762  
## Number of obs: 548, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.02 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                             0.58166
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.25783
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.12833
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.50961
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.45304
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   -0.02774
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.07572
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.34920
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.16267
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.07798
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.44148
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                               0.22715
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            0.24771
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          0.21965
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                            0.25953
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies         0.44095
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries      0.21753
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    0.23547
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      0.33807
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            0.24894
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                       0.51285
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                          0.16872
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                              2.561
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           1.041
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.584
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           1.964
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        1.027
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    -0.128
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.322
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.033
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.653
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.152
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         2.617
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                             0.01045
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.29795
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.55906
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.04958
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.30423
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.89851
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  0.74778
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.30165
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.51347
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.87915
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.00888
## (Intercept)                                                            * 
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Given the preceding relationships detected between method, number of populations, and species’ range, we investigated associations between these variables and our indicator values in more detail, to aid in understanding the underlying mechanisms that were driving the association between method (especially genetic clusters) and indicator 2. That is, we hypothesised that the relationship between method and indicator 2 may be an indirect result of the association between method and number of populations and species range.

First we added number of populations to our model testing the relationship between method and indicator 2

m.b2<-glmmTMB(indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)

##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations +  
##     (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    668.8    737.7   -318.4    636.8      532 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.3308   0.5751  
## Number of obs: 548, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.07 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                         Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                             0.569872
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.262312
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.106217
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.513232
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.466420
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   -0.053513
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.091065
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.365218
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.154562
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.090016
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.439212
## n_extant_populations                                                    0.001056
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                              0.226915
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.246723
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.219530
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.258952
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.440523
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.218963
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.235957
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.337111
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           0.248552
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.511511
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.167661
## n_extant_populations                                                     0.001089
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                              2.511
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           1.063
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.484
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           1.982
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        1.059
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    -0.244
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.386
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.083
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.622
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.176
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         2.620
## n_extant_populations                                                     0.970
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                              0.0120
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.2877
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.6285
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.0475
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.2897
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.8069
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.6995
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.2786
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           0.5340
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.8603
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.0088
## n_extant_populations                                                     0.3321
## (Intercept)                                                            * 
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       **
## n_extant_populations                                                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Then we tested (see plot psupA) if there is a relationship between number of maintained populations and the PM indicator, overall, and/or with some methods?

Prepare data for model (remove outliers and NA in desired variable) and check n:

# remove missing data 
data_for_model<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for plots

# check number of methods
## [1] 11
# check n per method
##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                       78 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       30 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                       50 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       12 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       41 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      170 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       41 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       17 
##                         management_units 
##                                       23 
##                                    other 
##                                        9 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                       77
# total n
## [1] 548
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

We tested for a relationship between number of populations alone with indicator 2 in our dataset (i.e. when not controlling for method).

Does number of populations alone affect indicator2 (i.e. not controlling for method)?:

msupA1 <- glmmTMB(indicator2 ~ n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data= data_for_model)


##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          indicator2 ~ n_extant_populations + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    663.1    688.9   -325.6    651.1      542 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.3217   0.5672  
## Number of obs: 548, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 3.99 
## Conditional model:
##                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)          0.7057076  0.2055940   3.433 0.000598 ***
## n_extant_populations 0.0007805  0.0010848   0.720 0.471812    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

But, there were statistically significant interactions between number of populations and some of the methods used, on indicator 2.

Does the effect of method on indicator2 depend on number of maintained pops?

# run model
msupA2 <- glmmTMB(indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified*n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)
## Warning in (function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL, : NA/
## NaN function evaluation


##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations +  
##     defined_populations_simplified * n_extant_populations + (1 |  
##     country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    657.6    769.5   -302.8    605.6      522 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.3069   0.554   
## Number of obs: 548, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.65 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                                              Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                                  0.484586
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                               0.245632
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                             0.075024
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                               0.548174
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                            1.677871
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                         0.153598
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                       0.107751
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                         0.107382
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                               0.360726
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                         -1.501731
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                             0.302748
## n_extant_populations                                                                         0.004369
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                          0.004515
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                       -0.001719
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                          0.006833
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations      -0.089949
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations   -0.006480
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations -0.006729
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations    0.047126
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                         -0.032165
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                     0.466300
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                        0.006554
##                                                                                             Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                                   0.222822
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                0.248954
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              0.246262
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                0.384296
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                             0.679634
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          0.233033
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        0.257803
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          0.428411
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                0.334857
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                           0.970197
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              0.192382
## n_extant_populations                                                                          0.002203
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                           0.007448
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                         0.003376
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                           0.061796
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations        0.033104
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations     0.002886
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations   0.003199
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations     0.053102
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                           0.015044
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      0.286151
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                         0.005243
##                                                                                             z value
## (Intercept)                                                                                   2.175
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                0.987
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              0.305
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                1.426
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                             2.469
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          0.659
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        0.418
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          0.251
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                1.077
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                          -1.548
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              1.574
## n_extant_populations                                                                          1.983
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                           0.606
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                        -0.509
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                           0.111
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations       -2.717
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations    -2.245
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations  -2.103
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations     0.887
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                          -2.138
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      1.630
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                         1.250
##                                                                                             Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                                  0.02965
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                               0.32381
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                             0.76063
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                               0.15374
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                            0.01356
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                         0.50982
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                       0.67598
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                         0.80208
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                               0.28137
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                          0.12166
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                             0.11556
## n_extant_populations                                                                         0.04737
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                          0.54439
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                        0.61075
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                          0.91196
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations       0.00658
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations    0.02474
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations  0.03544
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations    0.37483
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                          0.03251
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                     0.10319
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                        0.21123
## (Intercept)                                                                                 * 
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                           * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              
## n_extant_populations                                                                        * 
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations      **
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations   * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations     
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                         * 
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                         
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Because the method used to define a population appears to be important for these relationships, we conducted an additional analysis to simplify our analysis to only those species for which a single method was used to determine population clusters, and repeated the model presented above (evaluating a possible interaction between method and number of populations on indicator 2).

First, subset the data to only those taxa where a single method was used:

ind2_single_methods<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>% 
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%  # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for 
                      filter(defined_populations_simplified=="genetic_clusters" | 
                             defined_populations_simplified=="geographic_boundaries" |
                             defined_populations_simplified=="eco_biogeo_proxies" | 
                             defined_populations_simplified=="management_units" |

# check number of methods
## [1] 5
# check n by method
##      dispersal_buffer    eco_biogeo_proxies      genetic_clusters 
##                    78                    30                    50 
## geographic_boundaries      management_units 
##                   170                    23
# check n total
## [1] 351
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

Does the effect of “single” method on indicator2 depend on number of maintained pops?

msupA3<-glmmTMB(indicator2 ~ n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified +        n_extant_populations*defined_populations_simplified + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = ind2_single_methods)

# summary
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2 ~ n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified +  
##     n_extant_populations * defined_populations_simplified + (1 |  
##     country_assessment)
## Data: ind2_single_methods
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    440.9    494.9   -206.4    412.9      337 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.2456   0.4956  
## Number of obs: 351, groups:  country_assessment, 8
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.28 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                            0.450263
## n_extant_populations                                                   0.003226
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         0.206297
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                      -0.004752
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         0.756034
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         0.416852
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer    0.005287
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies -0.001057
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters   -0.006682
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units   -0.035749
##                                                                       Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                             0.225035
## n_extant_populations                                                    0.002156
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.290865
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.250256
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.386440
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.340805
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer     0.007506
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies   0.003314
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters     0.062699
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units     0.015969
##                                                                       z value
## (Intercept)                                                             2.001
## n_extant_populations                                                    1.496
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.709
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       -0.019
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          1.956
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          1.223
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer     0.704
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies  -0.319
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters    -0.107
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units    -2.239
##                                                                       Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                             0.0454
## n_extant_populations                                                    0.1346
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.4782
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.9848
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.0504
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.2213
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer     0.4812
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies   0.7497
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters     0.9151
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units     0.0252
## (Intercept)                                                           *
## n_extant_populations                                                   
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                        .
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer    
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies  
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters    
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units   *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Because we found a relationship between method and number of populations on indicator PM, and a relationship between species range and number of populations, we further tested whether the effect of method on indicator PM is moderated by species range.

First filter data to consider only wide ranging and restricted categories (ie remove unknown due to small sampling size)

## Remove unknown
data<- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(species_range !="unknown")

# summary of indicator
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.6667  1.0000  0.8264  1.0000  1.0000
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

# make sure species range is a factor

Run model: Does method still impact indicator2 if we control for species range?

## + country
m.b3 <- glmmTMB(indicator2_mean ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data)

# summary results
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2_mean ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range +  
##     (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    604.4    672.0   -286.2    572.4      488 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.3342   0.5781  
## Number of obs: 504, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.05 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                             0.60813
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.08689
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       -0.10759
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.24518
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.17398
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   -0.17137
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.29427
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.25307
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.40456
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    -0.11990
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.25946
## species_rangewide ranging                                               0.37618
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                               0.23025
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            0.25645
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          0.24302
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                            0.26616
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies         0.52520
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries      0.22048
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    0.25061
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      0.33721
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            0.29770
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                       0.51409
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                          0.17694
## species_rangewide ranging                                                 0.11794
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                              2.641
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.339
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        -0.443
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.921
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.331
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    -0.777
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -1.174
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.750
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -1.359
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     -0.233
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         1.466
## species_rangewide ranging                                                3.190
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                             0.00826
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.73475
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.65796
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.35697
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.74044
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.43700
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  0.24032
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.45297
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.17415
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.81559
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.14255
## species_rangewide ranging                                               0.00142
## (Intercept)                                                            **
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         
## species_rangewide ranging                                              **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Similarly to the effect of number of populations on indicator 2, we further tested whether there was an interaction between method and species range, i.e. to determine whether species range was only associated with indicator 2 for some methods.

## run model 
m.b4 <- glmmTMB(indicator2_mean ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range + defined_populations_simplified*species_range + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data)

# summary results
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator2_mean ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range +  
##     defined_populations_simplified * species_range + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    609.9    719.7   -279.0    557.9      478 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.3399   0.583   
## Number of obs: 504, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.24 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                                                    Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                                         0.56029
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                      0.22080
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                   -0.17269
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                      0.15661
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                  -0.28542
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                               -0.21528
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                             -0.04464
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                                0.06902
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                      0.02335
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                -0.38736
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                    0.27749
## species_rangewide ranging                                                                           0.51258
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:species_rangewide ranging                           -0.32986
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging                          0.01570
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide ranging                            0.06969
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging        19.50025
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide ranging      0.05761
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging   -0.73680
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide ranging      0.66821
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide ranging                           -0.97281
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide ranging                                      18.31094
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide ranging                         -0.12222
##                                                                                                  Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                                         0.23411
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                      0.28808
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                    0.31444
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                      0.40422
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                   0.54464
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                                0.26468
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                              0.29365
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                                0.37642
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                      0.40119
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                 0.52825
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                    0.23063
## species_rangewide ranging                                                                           0.22564
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:species_rangewide ranging                            0.34952
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging                          0.48091
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide ranging                            0.53952
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging      9115.05701
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide ranging      0.46190
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging    0.45403
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide ranging      0.85982
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide ranging                            0.59336
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide ranging                                    6189.79540
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide ranging                          0.37479
##                                                                                                  z value
## (Intercept)                                                                                        2.393
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                     0.766
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                  -0.549
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                     0.387
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                 -0.524
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                              -0.813
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                            -0.152
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                               0.183
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                     0.058
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                               -0.733
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                   1.203
## species_rangewide ranging                                                                          2.272
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:species_rangewide ranging                          -0.944
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging                         0.033
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide ranging                           0.129
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging        0.002
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide ranging     0.125
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging  -1.623
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide ranging     0.777
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide ranging                          -1.640
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide ranging                                      0.003
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide ranging                        -0.326
##                                                                                                  Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                                        0.0167
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                     0.4434
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                   0.5829
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                     0.6984
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                  0.6002
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                               0.4160
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                             0.8792
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                               0.8545
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                     0.9536
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                0.4634
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                   0.2289
## species_rangewide ranging                                                                          0.0231
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:species_rangewide ranging                           0.3453
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging                         0.9740
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide ranging                           0.8972
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging        0.9983
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide ranging     0.9007
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging   0.1046
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide ranging     0.4371
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide ranging                           0.1011
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide ranging                                      0.9976
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide ranging                         0.7443
## (Intercept)                                                                                      *
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                    
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                              
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                              
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                    
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                               
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                  
## species_rangewide ranging                                                                        *
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:species_rangewide ranging                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging                        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide ranging                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging       
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide ranging    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide ranging  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide ranging    
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide ranging                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide ranging                                     
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide ranging                        
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(c) Proportion of populations with Ne>500 (indicator1)

Our analysis of Ne indicator followed a parallel structure to our analysis of PM indicator.

Plot Ne indicator by method to define pops.

# Prepare data for plot with nice labels:
# sample size of TOTAL populations
sample_size <- indicators_full %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>% 
                    group_by(defined_populations_nicenames) %>% summarize(num=n())

# custom axis
## new dataframe
df<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
    # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>%
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(defined_populations_nicenames, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%
#myaxis needs levels in the same order than defined_populations_nicenames
  mutate(myaxis = factor(myaxis, 
                  levels=levels(as.factor(myaxis))[c(1,12,2:11,13)])) # reorders levels
## Joining, by = "defined_populations_nicenames"
## plot 
pc<- df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1, color=defined_populations_nicenames,    
                                     fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
          geom_boxplot() + xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
          geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots) 
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

Scatter plot of indicator1 vs extant pops

psupB<- indicators_full %>%
  # filter outliers with too many pops and missing data
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
  # plot
    ggplot(aes(x=n_extant_populations, y=indicator1, color=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_light() +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
    xlab("Number of maintained populations") +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

## Coloring by range 
psupB.1<- indicators_full %>%
  # filter outliers with too many pops and missing data
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(species_range !="unknown") %>%
  # plot
    ggplot(aes(x=n_extant_populations, y=indicator1, color=species_range)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_light() +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
    xlab("Number of maintained populations") +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

First we tested whether method used was associated with variation in indicator (figure c)

Prepare data for model (remove outliers and NA in desired variable) and check n:

# remove missing data 
data_for_model<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for plots

# check n per method
##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                      138 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       17 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                       57 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                        8 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       41 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      159 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       56 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       20 
##                         management_units 
##                                       13 
##                                    other 
##                                        6 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                       68
# total n
## [1] 583
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

Run model asking: Does Ne indicator vary with method used? Controlling for variation in indicator among countries:

m.c1<-glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)

See results:

##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1076.9   1142.4   -523.4   1046.9      568 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.09219  0.3036  
## Number of obs: 583, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 3.94 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                            -0.87457
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.32313
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       -0.13817
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.60539
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       1.05417
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.53362
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.10274
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.62579
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.05004
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     1.03617
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.36633
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                               0.18019
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            0.30131
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          0.33283
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                            0.24218
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies         0.43950
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries      0.24566
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    0.33923
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      0.33188
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            0.41560
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                       0.62076
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                          0.20284
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                             -4.854
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           1.072
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        -0.415
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           2.500
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        2.399
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     2.172
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.303
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.886
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.120
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      1.669
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         1.806
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                            1.21e-06
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.2835
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.6780
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.0124
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.0165
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.0298
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.7620
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.0593
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           0.9042
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.0951
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.0709
## (Intercept)                                                            ***
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units   .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

we next investigated whether the relationships between methods and the indicator were moderated by the role of number of populations and species range. Ie:

Does method still influence indicator1 if we control for number of populations?

m.c2 <- glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)

##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations +  
##     (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1070.7   1140.6   -519.4   1038.7      567 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.06352  0.252   
## Number of obs: 583, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.34 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                         Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                            -0.749921
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.204457
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       -0.115881
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.529194
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       1.002282
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.481752
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies -0.132066
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.613413
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         -0.069282
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.941856
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.365829
## n_extant_populations                                                   -0.004817
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                              0.171514
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.282390
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         0.324865
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.237933
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.427234
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.241202
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies   0.325036
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.324258
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           0.404008
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      0.613463
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.195921
## n_extant_populations                                                     0.001793
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                             -4.372
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.724
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        -0.357
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           2.224
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        2.346
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     1.997
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.406
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.892
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.171
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      1.535
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         1.867
## n_extant_populations                                                    -2.686
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                            1.23e-05
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.46905
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.72131
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.02614
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.01898
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.04579
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  0.68451
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.05853
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.86384
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.12471
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.06187
## n_extant_populations                                                    0.00722
## (Intercept)                                                            ***
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries   *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units   .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                       
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                       .  
## n_extant_populations                                                   ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We then tested if there a relationship between number of maintained populations and indicator1, overall, and/or with some methods? (model associated to plot psupB)

Prepare data for model (remove outliers and NA in desired variable) and check n:

# remove missing data 
data_for_model<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(! %>%
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for plots

# check number of methods
## [1] 11
# check n per method
##                         dispersal_buffer 
##                                      138 
##                       eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       17 
##                         genetic_clusters 
##                                       57 
##      genetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                        8 
##   genetic_clusters geographic_boundaries 
##                                       41 
##                    geographic_boundaries 
##                                      159 
## geographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies 
##                                       56 
##   geographic_boundaries management_units 
##                                       20 
##                         management_units 
##                                       13 
##                                    other 
##                                        6 
##                       other_combinations 
##                                       68
# total n
## [1] 583
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

Does the number of maintained pops alone affect the Ne indicator? (i.e. not controlling for method)

msupB1<-glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data= data_for_model)


##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          indicator1 ~ n_extant_populations + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1068.4   1094.6   -528.2   1056.4      577 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.05776  0.2403  
## Number of obs: 583, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.12 
## Conditional model:
##                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)          -0.508216   0.121453  -4.184 2.86e-05 ***
## n_extant_populations -0.005068   0.001785  -2.840  0.00452 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Does the effect of method depend on the number of populations? Or put another way, does the importance of number of populations also depend on method?

# run model
msupB2 <- glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified*n_extant_populations + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_for_model)
## Warning in (function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL, : NA/
## NaN function evaluation


##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + n_extant_populations +  
##     defined_populations_simplified * n_extant_populations + (1 |  
##     country_assessment)
## Data: data_for_model
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1069.9   1183.5   -509.0   1017.9      557 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.08214  0.2866  
## Number of obs: 583, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.59 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                                              Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                                 -0.844485
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                               0.335391
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                             0.174199
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                               1.218872
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                            1.035842
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                         0.679535
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                       0.666074
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                         0.976410
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                               0.393074
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                         -0.830917
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                             0.451677
## n_extant_populations                                                                        -0.001790
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                         -0.003756
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                       -0.016485
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                         -0.163071
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations       0.010626
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations   -0.015564
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations -0.112722
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations   -0.029777
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                         -0.055134
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                     0.723094
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                       -0.003590
##                                                                                             Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                                   0.184583
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                0.281788
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              0.415555
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                0.370473
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                             0.629121
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          0.305613
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        0.493042
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          0.413475
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                0.608449
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                           1.566674
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              0.206091
## n_extant_populations                                                                          0.002594
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                           0.004392
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                         0.014623
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                           0.074140
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations        0.084344
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations     0.022508
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations   0.058564
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations     0.028876
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                           0.067769
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      0.784606
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                         0.003941
##                                                                                             z value
## (Intercept)                                                                                  -4.575
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                1.190
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              0.419
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                3.290
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                             1.646
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          2.224
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        1.351
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          2.361
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                0.646
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                          -0.530
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              2.192
## n_extant_populations                                                                         -0.690
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                          -0.855
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                        -1.127
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                          -2.199
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations        0.126
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations    -0.691
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations  -1.925
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations    -1.031
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                          -0.814
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      0.922
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                        -0.911
##                                                                                             Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                                 4.76e-06
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                0.2340
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                              0.6751
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                0.0010
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                             0.0997
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                          0.0262
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                        0.1767
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                          0.0182
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                0.5183
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                           0.5959
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                              0.0284
## n_extant_populations                                                                          0.4901
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                           0.3924
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                         0.2596
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                           0.0278
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations        0.8997
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations     0.4893
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations   0.0543
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations     0.3024
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                           0.4159
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                      0.3567
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                         0.3624
## (Intercept)                                                                                 ***
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                                                 
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                               
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                              ** 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                           .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                        *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                        *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                 
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                            *  
## n_extant_populations                                                                           
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer:n_extant_populations                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:n_extant_populations                         *  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:n_extant_populations      
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:n_extant_populations .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:n_extant_populations      
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:n_extant_populations                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:n_extant_populations                                       
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:n_extant_populations                          
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Because “what’s a population and how do you define them?” is such an important question, we can also test the effect of methods alone. First, subset the data to only those taxa where a single method was used:

ind1_single_methods<-indicators_full %>% 
                      filter(! %>% 
                      filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%  # doesn't make a difference in the test below, but useful for 
                      filter(defined_populations_simplified=="genetic_clusters" | 
                             defined_populations_simplified=="geographic_boundaries" |
                             defined_populations_simplified=="eco_biogeo_proxies" | 
                             defined_populations_simplified=="management_units" |

# check number of methods
## [1] 5
# check n by method
##      dispersal_buffer    eco_biogeo_proxies      genetic_clusters 
##                   138                    17                    57 
## geographic_boundaries      management_units 
##                   159                    13
# check n total
## [1] 384
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

Run model:

# run model
msupB3 <- glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified +        n_extant_populations*defined_populations_simplified + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = ind1_single_methods)
## Warning in (function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL, : NA/
## NaN function evaluation


##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ n_extant_populations + defined_populations_simplified +  
##     n_extant_populations * defined_populations_simplified + (1 |  
##     country_assessment)
## Data: ind1_single_methods
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    693.4    748.7   -332.7    665.4      370 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.06262  0.2502  
## Number of obs: 384, groups:  country_assessment, 8
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 3.77 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                         Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                           -0.8043666
## n_extant_populations                                                  -0.0004889
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         0.1986189
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       0.1772549
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         1.1361411
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         0.3503307
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer   -0.0035132
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies -0.0148845
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters   -0.1510877
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units   -0.0499400
##                                                                       Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                            0.2065387
## n_extant_populations                                                   0.0026816
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         0.3988868
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       0.4355460
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         0.3855972
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         0.6110674
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer    0.0043956
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies  0.0147960
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters    0.0782808
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units    0.0663490
##                                                                       z value
## (Intercept)                                                            -3.895
## n_extant_populations                                                   -0.182
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.498
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.407
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          2.946
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.573
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer    -0.799
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies  -1.006
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters    -1.930
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units    -0.753
##                                                                       Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                           9.84e-05
## n_extant_populations                                                   0.85533
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                         0.61853
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                       0.68403
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         0.00321
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                         0.56644
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer    0.42414
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies  0.31443
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters    0.05360
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units    0.45164
## (Intercept)                                                           ***
## n_extant_populations                                                     
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                        ** 
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                           
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer      
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies    
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters   .  
## n_extant_populations:defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Finally, we tested for associations between range type on Ne>500 indicator.

First filter data to consider only wide ranging and restricted categories (ie remove unknown due to small sampling size)

## Remove unknown
data<- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(species_range !="unknown")

# summary of indicator
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.2698  0.5000  1.0000
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

# make sure specis range is a factor

Is there still an effect of method on indicator1 if we control for species range?

data_full<- indicators_full  %>% # notice this uses indicators_full instead of indicators_average_one
                    filter(! %>% # notice this uses indicator1 instead of _mean
                    filter(species_range !="unknown")

# summary of indicator
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.2675  0.5000  1.0000
# re-level to use geographic boundaries as reference category for the analysis

# make sure specis range is a factor

# run model
m.c3_full <- glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data)

# summary results
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range +  
##     (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    992.6   1061.4   -480.3    960.6      528 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.1029   0.3207  
## Number of obs: 544, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 3.76 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                        Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                             -1.0968
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.1197
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        -0.3347
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           0.7089
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        0.8151
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     0.3957
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.1833
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     0.4764
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.1179
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      1.0387
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         0.2185
## species_rangewide ranging                                                0.5671
##                                                                        Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                0.1968
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                             0.2878
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                           0.3808
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                             0.2609
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies          0.4551
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries       0.2536
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies     0.3635
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units       0.3413
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                             0.4359
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                        0.6180
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                           0.2119
## species_rangewide ranging                                                  0.1391
##                                                                        z value
## (Intercept)                                                             -5.574
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                           0.416
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        -0.879
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                           2.717
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies        1.791
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries     1.560
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  -0.504
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units     1.396
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          -0.270
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                      1.681
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                         1.031
## species_rangewide ranging                                                4.077
##                                                                        Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                            2.49e-08
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                          0.67755
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                        0.37937
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                          0.00659
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies       0.07326
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries    0.11878
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies  0.61405
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units    0.16283
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                          0.78682
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                     0.09283
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                        0.30235
## species_rangewide ranging                                              4.57e-05
## (Intercept)                                                            ***
## defined_populations_simplifieddispersal_buffer                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                         ** 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies      .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries      
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units      
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                    .  
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                          
## species_rangewide ranging                                              ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Finally, we tested interactions between method and species range, to determine whether the effect of species range only applies when some methods are used.

Is the effect of method on Ne indicator moderated by species range?

data_full<- indicators_full  %>% # notice this uses indicators_full instead of indicators_average_one
                    filter(! %>% # notice this uses indicator1 instead of _mean
                    filter(species_range !="unknown")

## run model 
m.c4 <- glmmTMB(indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range + defined_populations_simplified*species_range + (1|country_assessment), family = "ordbeta", data = data_full)

# summary results
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          
## indicator1 ~ defined_populations_simplified + species_range +  
##     defined_populations_simplified * species_range + (1 | country_assessment)
## Data: data_full
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1016.1   1128.6   -482.0    964.1      534 
## Random effects:
## Conditional model:
##  Groups             Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  country_assessment (Intercept) 0.1088   0.3299  
## Number of obs: 560, groups:  country_assessment, 9
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 4.05 
## Conditional model:
##                                                                                                    Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                                                         -0.7759
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                    -0.1573
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                      -0.2305
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                  -17.2560
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                                -0.3871
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries                                                 -0.3148
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                              -0.8122
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                                 0.4190
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                     -20.2405
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                  0.3363
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                     0.3922
## species_rangewide_ranging                                                                            0.3299
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging                          -0.6963
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide_ranging                             0.9480
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging         18.1390
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging       0.9368
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging                        0.2220
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging     0.9206
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide_ranging      -0.2184
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide_ranging                            20.2239
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide_ranging                                       23.0542
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide_ranging                          -0.5542
##                                                                                                  Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                                                          0.3266
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                     0.5381
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                       0.4615
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                 4341.1110
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                                 0.5074
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries                                                  0.3672
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                               0.5578
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                                 0.5662
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                   11060.9529
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                  0.7425
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                     0.3867
## species_rangewide_ranging                                                                            0.2724
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging                           0.6907
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide_ranging                             0.5017
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging       4341.1110
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging       0.5404
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging                        0.3655
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging     0.7128
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide_ranging       0.6987
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide_ranging                         11060.9529
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide_ranging                                    46288.4039
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide_ranging                           0.4065
##                                                                                                  z value
## (Intercept)                                                                                       -2.376
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                  -0.292
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                    -0.499
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                 -0.004
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                              -0.763
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries                                               -0.857
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                            -1.456
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                               0.740
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                    -0.002
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                0.453
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                   1.014
## species_rangewide_ranging                                                                          1.211
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging                        -1.008
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide_ranging                           1.890
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging        0.004
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging     1.734
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging                      0.608
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging   1.292
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide_ranging    -0.313
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide_ranging                           0.002
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide_ranging                                      0.000
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide_ranging                        -1.363
##                                                                                                  Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                                                        0.0175
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                   0.7700
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                     0.6176
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                  0.9968
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                               0.4455
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries                                                0.3912
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                             0.1454
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                               0.4593
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                     0.9985
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                                0.6506
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                   0.3105
## species_rangewide_ranging                                                                          0.2258
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging                         0.3134
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide_ranging                           0.0588
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging        0.9967
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging     0.0830
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging                      0.5435
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging   0.1965
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide_ranging     0.7546
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide_ranging                           0.9985
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide_ranging                                      0.9996
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide_ranging                         0.1728
## (Intercept)                                                                                      *
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies                                                  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters                                                    
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies                                 
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries                              
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries                                               
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies                            
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units                              
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units                                                    
## defined_populations_simplifiedother                                                               
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations                                                  
## species_rangewide_ranging                                                                         
## defined_populations_simplifiedeco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging                        
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters:species_rangewide_ranging                         .
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging       
## defined_populations_simplifiedgenetic_clusters geographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging   .
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries:species_rangewide_ranging                     
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries eco_biogeo_proxies:species_rangewide_ranging  
## defined_populations_simplifiedgeographic_boundaries management_units:species_rangewide_ranging    
## defined_populations_simplifiedmanagement_units:species_rangewide_ranging                          
## defined_populations_simplifiedother:species_rangewide_ranging                                     
## defined_populations_simplifiedother_combinations:species_rangewide_ranging                        
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Note the previous model has high Str.Errors, so this model does not converge.

Main Figure 3 (representing the models above): Single plot 5 panels. Boxplots plots for the effect of method on: number of populations, proportion of maintained populations (indicator 2) and Proportion of populations with Ne>500 (indicator 1), AND Violin plots for the distribution of the indicator values by range type.

Top a,b,c panel boxplots:

##### plot for Proportion of maintained populations (indicator 2) only with n in axis labels

# sample size 
sample_size <- indicators_full %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>% 
                    group_by(defined_populations_nicenames) %>% summarize(num=n())

# custom axis
## new dataframe
df<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
    # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>%
  mutate(myaxis = as.factor(paste0(defined_populations_nicenames, " (n= ", num, ")")))
## Joining, by = "defined_populations_nicenames"
pb.1<- df %>%
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2, color=defined_populations_nicenames,    
                                     fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
          geom_boxplot() + xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
          geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots) 
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                   labels= rev(sub(".*(\\(n= \\d+\\))", "\\1", levels(df$myaxis)))) + # extract "(n = number)") and show them in reverse order
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

##### plot for Proportion populations Ne>500 (indicator 1) only with n in axis labels
# Prepare data for plot with nice labels:
# sample size of TOTAL populations
sample_size <- indicators_full %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>% 
  group_by(defined_populations_nicenames) %>% summarize(num=n())

# custom axis
## new dataframe
df<-indicators_full %>% 
  filter(n_extant_populations<500) %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>%
  mutate(myaxis = as.factor(paste0(defined_populations_nicenames, " (n= ", num, ")")))
## Joining, by = "defined_populations_nicenames"
## plot 
pc.1<- df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1, color=defined_populations_nicenames,    
             fill=defined_populations_nicenames)) +
  geom_boxplot() + xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
  geom_jitter(size=.4, width = 0.1, color="black") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
        plot.margin = unit(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), "cm")) + # this is used to decrease the space between plots) 
  scale_fill_manual(values=alpha(simplifiedmethods_colors, 0.3),
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                     breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$defined_populations_nicenames))) +
                   labels= rev(sub(".*(\\(n= \\d+\\))", "\\1", levels(df$myaxis)))) + # extract "(n = number)") and show them in reverse order
  theme(text = element_text(size = 13))

## Plot 3 panels
p_top<-plot_grid(pa, pb.1, pc.1, ncol=3, rel_widths = c(1.8,1,1), align = "h", labels=c("A)", "B)", "C)"))  

Bottom d, e violin plots. Indicators by of range type coloring points to show genetic clusters

For PM indicator:

# add variable stating if genetic methods are used
indicators_averaged_one<- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
mutate(genetic_to_define_pops = ifelse(grepl("genetic", defined_populations_simplified), 'genetic method', 'non genetic'))

# get sample size by desired category
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(! %>% 
                    group_by(species_range) %>% summarize(num=n())

# plot
pd<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
  # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>% 
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(species_range, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%

  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2_mean)) +
          geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0, fill="grey70")  +
          xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
          coord_flip() +
        new_scale_color() + # to color points without confuisng ggplot
        geom_jitter(size=1.2, width = 0.1, aes(color = genetic_to_define_pops)) +
        scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "black")) +
        labs(color=NULL) + # hide legend title
          theme_light() +
          theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", text= element_text(size=20))
## Joining, by = "species_range"

For Ne indicator:

# add variable stating if genetic methods are used
indicators_averaged_one<- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
mutate(genetic_to_define_pops = ifelse(grepl("genetic", defined_populations_simplified), 'genetic method', 'non genetic'))

# get sample size by desired category
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one  %>%
                    filter(! %>% 
                    filter(! %>% 
                    group_by(species_range) %>% summarize(num=n())

# plot
pe <- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
  # add sampling size 
  left_join(sample_size) %>% 
  mutate(myaxis = paste0(species_range, " (n= ", num, ")")) %>%

  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1_mean)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0, fill="grey70")  +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
    new_scale_color() + # to color the points without confusing ggplot
    geom_jitter(size=1.2, width = 0.1, aes(color = genetic_to_define_pops)) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "black")) + 
    theme_light() +
    labs(color="Method to \ndefine populations") + # nicer legend title
    theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="right", text= element_text(size=20))
## Joining, by = "species_range"

Two panel figure:

p_bot<-plot_grid(pd + theme(legend.position = "non2"), # legend can be shown only below both plots 
          ncol = 2,
          rel_widths = c(1,1.3), align = "h", labels=c("D)", "E)"))

Both top and bottom together:

plot_grid(p_top, p_bot, ncol = 1)

ggsave("Fig3.pdf", width = 52, height = 30  , units = "cm")

Supplementary Figure S7: Single figure 2 panels scatter plots number of populations vs indicators

# plot
plot_grid(psupA + xlim(0,400) + xlab(""), # remove xlab from top plot and match x axis size
          psupB+ xlim(0,400), 
          ncol=1, align = "v", labels=c("A)", "B)"))  

ggsave("FigS7.pdf", width = 18, height = 28  , units = "cm")

Indicatros by threat status (IUCN Red List)

All the following plots and analyses consider the average of multiassessed species (variable _mean), so that they are shown only once.

(a) Ne > 500 indicator and red list status

Plot indicator 1 by global IUCN in the entire dataset:

## Global IUCN

# Capitalize abbreviations 
## [1] "cr"           "dd"           "en"           "lc"           "not_assessed"
## [6] "nt"           "unknown"      "vu"
                                            levels=c("cr", "en", "vu", "nt", "lc", "dd", "not_assessed","unknown"))
levels(indicators_averaged_one$global_IUCN) <- c("CR", "EN", "VU", "NT", "LC", "DD", "NE", "unknown")

## prepare data
# add sampling size
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(global_IUCN) %>% summarize(num=n())

# new df 
df<- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
        # add sampling size 
        left_join(sample_size) %>%
        mutate(myaxis = paste0(global_IUCN, " (n= ", num, ")"))
## Joining, by = "global_IUCN"
# change order of levels so that they are in the desired order
                  #grep is used below to get the sample size, which may change depending on the data
                  levels=c(grep("CR", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("EN", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("VU", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("NT", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("LC", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("DD", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("NE", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("unknown", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE)))
# plot
p1<-df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1_mean , fill=global_IUCN)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(values= IUCNcolors, # iucn color codes
                        breaks=c(levels(df$global_IUCN))) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", 
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center title
            text= element_text(size=15))

Summary table:

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(global_IUCN) %>% 
                         per.0=sum(indicator1_mean==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(indicator1_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(indicator1_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(indicator1_mean>0.75)/ n *100,
                         per1=sum(indicator1_mean==1) / n *100)

kable(x, digits=2)
global_IUCN n mean median per.0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
CR 46 0.11 0.00 84.78 86.96 93.48 6.52 6.52
EN 48 0.25 0.00 66.67 70.83 81.25 18.75 18.75
VU 66 0.32 0.00 56.06 59.09 78.79 22.73 21.21
NT 51 0.24 0.00 54.90 72.55 84.31 15.69 15.69
LC 186 0.37 0.05 47.31 55.91 72.04 29.03 27.96
DD 10 0.44 0.21 40.00 50.00 60.00 40.00 40.00
NE 156 0.19 0.00 63.46 74.36 91.03 8.97 8.97
unknown 3 0.67 1.00 33.33 33.33 33.33 66.67 66.67

Indicator 1 by country and global IUCN

# plot
indicators_averaged_one %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=global_IUCN, y=indicator1_mean, fill=global_IUCN)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(values= IUCNcolors, # iucn color codes
                    breaks=c(levels(indicators_averaged_one$global_IUCN))) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      theme_light() +
      ggtitle("global IUCN Redlist") +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", 
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center title
            text= element_text(size=13)) +
      facet_wrap(~country_assessment, ncol = 3) +
      theme(panel.spacing = unit(1.5, "lines"))
## Warning: Removed 342 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Warning: Removed 342 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

(b) Proportion of Maintained Populations and red list status?

Plot indicator 2 by global IUCN in the entire dataset:

## Global IUCN
## prepare data
# add sampling size
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(global_IUCN) %>% summarize(num=n())

# new df 
df<- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
        # add sampling size 
        left_join(sample_size) %>%
        mutate(myaxis = paste0(global_IUCN, " (n= ", num, ")"))
## Joining, by = "global_IUCN"
# change order of levels so that they are in the desired order
                  #grep is used below to get the sample size, which may change depending on the data
                  levels=c(grep("CR", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("EN", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("VU", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("NT", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("LC", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("DD", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("NE", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                          grep("unknown", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE)))

# plot
p2<-df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2 , fill=global_IUCN)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(values= IUCNcolors, # iucn color codes
                        breaks=c(levels(df$global_IUCN))) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", 
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center title
            text= element_text(size=15))
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Summary table:

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(global_IUCN) %>% 
            per.0=sum(indicator2_mean==0) / n *100,
            per.below.25=sum(indicator2_mean<0.25) / n *100,
            per.below.90=sum(indicator2_mean<0.90) / n *100,
            per.above.75=sum(indicator2_mean>0.75)/ n *100,
            per1=sum(indicator2_mean==1) / n *100)

kable(x, digits=2)
global_IUCN n mean median per.0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
CR 36 0.83 1.00 0.00 5.56 36.11 75.00 63.89
EN 59 0.79 0.86 0.00 1.69 50.85 61.02 49.15
VU 65 0.78 0.91 1.54 3.08 49.23 60.00 44.62
NT 42 0.83 1.00 0.00 4.76 38.10 71.43 57.14
LC 152 0.84 1.00 0.66 3.29 34.21 72.37 61.18
DD 9 0.71 0.83 0.00 0.00 66.67 66.67 33.33
NE 153 0.84 0.95 0.65 1.96 40.52 69.93 48.37
unknown 2 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00

Indicator 2 by country and global IUCN

# plot
indicators_averaged_one %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=global_IUCN, y=indicator2_mean, fill=global_IUCN)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual(values= IUCNcolors, # iucn color codes
                    breaks=c(levels(indicators_averaged_one$global_IUCN))) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      theme_light() +
      ggtitle("global IUCN Redlist") +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none", 
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center title
            text= element_text(size=13)) +
      facet_wrap(~country_assessment, ncol = 3) +
      theme(panel.spacing = unit(1.5, "lines"))
## Warning: Removed 390 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Groups with fewer than two data points have been dropped.
## Warning: Removed 390 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Main Figure 5: Single plot 2 pannels IUCN redlist and indicator range values

          ncol=1, align = "v", labels=c("A)", "B)"))  
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_ydensity()`).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

ggsave("Fig5.pdf", width = 20, height = 25  , units = "cm")

Indicator values by taxonomic group

All the following plots and analyses consider the average of multiassessed species (variable _mean), so that they are shown only once.

We also grouped taxa with small n (<5) into “others”, according to the following table:

##     amphibian          bird          fish  invertebrate        mammal 
##            56           167            62           135           135 
##       reptile    angiosperm     bryophyte    gymnosperm pteridophytes 
##            70           235             5            19            14 
##        fungus         other 
##             3            18

They are grouped along with “other” in a new category “others” in the new variable taxonomic_group_simplified:

indicators_averaged_one <- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                           ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(taxonomic_group_simplified = case_when(
                                       # if the taxon group is in the list of groups with small n change to "others"
                                       as.character(taxonomic_group) %!in% c("bryophyte", "fungus", "other") ~  as.character(taxonomic_group),
                                       TRUE ~ "others"))

# check:
##     amphibian    angiosperm          bird          fish    gymnosperm 
##            56           235           167            62            19 
##  invertebrate        mammal        others pteridophytes       reptile 
##           135           135            26            14            70

We also create a group of only 3 categories for animals, plants and others:

# Define the grouping map
grouping_map <- c(
  "amphibian", "bird", "fish", "invertebrate", "mammal",
  "angiosperm", "gymnosperm", "reptile", "pteridophytes", "others"

# Create a new variable taxonomic_group_3
indicators_averaged_one <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
                              taxonomic_group_3 = case_when(
                                taxonomic_group_simplified %in% grouping_map[1:5] ~ "animals",
                                taxonomic_group_simplified %in% grouping_map[6:9] ~ "plants",
                                taxonomic_group_simplified %in% grouping_map[10] ~ "others",
                                TRUE ~ NA_character_

# reorder levels
indicators_averaged_one$taxonomic_group_3<- factor(indicators_averaged_one$taxonomic_group_3, 
                                                  levels=c("animals", "plants", "others"))

Violin plots, histograms and summary tables for each indicator by taxonomic group

Indicator Ne > 500

## prepare data
# add sampling size
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_simplified) %>% summarize(num=n())

# new df 
df<- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
        # add sampling size 
        left_join(sample_size) %>%
        mutate(myaxis = paste0(taxonomic_group_simplified, " (n= ", num, ")"))
## Joining, by = "taxonomic_group_simplified"
# change order of levels so that they are in the desired order
                  #grep is used below to get the sample size, which may change depending on the data
                    levels=c(grep("amphibian", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE), 
                             grep("bird" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("fish" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("invertebrate", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("mammal", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("reptile", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("angiosperm", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("gymnosperm", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("pteridophytes", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("others" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE)))

                                       levels=c("amphibian", "bird" , "fish" , "invertebrate", "mammal", "reptile",
                                                 "angiosperm",  "gymnosperm", "pteridophytes",

# plot
p1<-df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator1_mean, fill=taxonomic_group_simplified, color=taxonomic_group_simplified)) +
      geom_violin(width=1.5, linewidth = 0.2)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.7, width = 0.1, color="black") +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      scale_fill_manual(values= c(rep(grouped_taxon_colors[1], 6), # for animals
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[2], 3), # for platns
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[3], 1)), # for fungi and others
                       breaks=c(levels(df$taxonomic_group_simplified))) +
      scale_color_manual(values= c(rep(grouped_taxon_colors[1], 6), # for animals
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[2], 3), # for platns
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[3], 1)), # for fungi and others
                       breaks=c(levels(df$taxonomic_group_simplified))) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
            text= element_text(size=15))
## Warning: `position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals

Table with sampling size, mean indicator value and proporiton of taxa where the value is below 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75:

#summary table by taxonomic group
x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_simplified) %>% 

# Calculate total counts and means
total_counts <- summarise(x,
                          taxonomic_group_simplified = "ALL",
                          n = sum(n),
                          mean= mean(mean),
                          n.below.75 = sum(n.below.75),
                          n.below.50 = sum(n.below.50),
                          n.below.25 = sum(n.below.25),
                          per.below.25 = n.below.25 / n * 100,
                          per.below.50 = n.below.50 / n * 100)

# Bind the total row to the summary_table
summary_table <- bind_rows(x, total_counts)

# keep taxonomic groups as level in desired order:
                                                 levels = c("amphibian", "bird" , "fish" , "invertebrate", "mammal",
                                                 "angiosperm", "gymnosperm",  "reptile", "pteridophytes",
                                                "others", "ALL"))
summary_table<- summary_table %>% arrange(taxonomic_group_simplified)

# show nice table
kable(summary_table, digits=2)
taxonomic_group_simplified n mean median n.below.75 n.below.50 n.below.25 per.below.25 per.below.50
amphibian 26 0.16 0.00 25 21 19 73.08 80.77
bird 91 0.32 0.00 66 60 58 63.74 65.93
fish 34 0.39 0.20 25 20 18 52.94 58.82
invertebrate 65 0.28 0.00 51 45 44 67.69 69.23
mammal 96 0.42 0.08 62 54 50 52.08 56.25
angiosperm 188 0.18 0.00 170 154 140 74.47 81.91
gymnosperm 15 0.16 0.00 13 13 12 80.00 86.67
reptile 32 0.29 0.00 24 23 21 65.62 71.88
pteridophytes 11 0.18 0.00 11 8 8 72.73 72.73
others 10 0.15 0.00 9 8 8 80.00 80.00
ALL 568 0.25 0.00 456 406 378 66.55 71.48

Indicator Proportion of maintained populations:

## prepare data
# add sampling size
sample_size <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_simplified) %>% summarize(num=n())

# new df 
df<- indicators_averaged_one %>% 
     filter(! %>% 
        # add sampling size 
        left_join(sample_size) %>%
        mutate(myaxis = paste0(taxonomic_group_simplified, " (n= ", num, ")"))
## Joining, by = "taxonomic_group_simplified"
# change order of levels so that they are in the desired order
                  #grep is used below to get the sample size, which may change depending on the data
                    levels=c(grep("amphibian", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE), 
                             grep("bird" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("fish" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("invertebrate", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("mammal", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("reptile", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("angiosperm", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("gymnosperm", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("pteridophytes", unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE),
                             grep("others" , unique(df$myaxis), value = TRUE)))

                           levels=c("amphibian", "bird" , "fish" , "invertebrate", "mammal",  "reptile",
                                     "angiosperm",  "gymnosperm", "pteridophytes",

# plot
p2<-df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=myaxis, y=indicator2_mean, fill=taxonomic_group_simplified, color=taxonomic_group_simplified)) +
      geom_violin(width=1, linewidth = 0.2)  +
      geom_jitter(size=.7, width = 0.1, color="black") +
      xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) +
      scale_fill_manual(values= c(rep(grouped_taxon_colors[1], 6), # for animals
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[2], 3), # for platns
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[3], 1)), # for fungi and others
                       breaks=c(levels(df$taxonomic_group_simplified))) +
      scale_color_manual(values= c(rep(grouped_taxon_colors[1], 6), # for animals
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[2], 3), # for platns
                                  rep(grouped_taxon_colors[3], 1)), # for fungi and others
                       breaks=c(levels(df$taxonomic_group_simplified))) +
      theme_light() +
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none",
            text= element_text(size=15))

Table with sampling size, mean indicator value and proporiton of taxa where the value is below 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75:

# summary table for taxonomic group:
x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_simplified) %>% 

# Calculate total counts and means
total_counts <- summarise(x,
                          taxonomic_group_simplified = "ALL",
                          n = sum(n),
                          mean = mean(mean),
                          median = median(median),
                          n.below.75 = sum(n.below.75),
                          n.below.50 = sum(n.below.50),
                          n.below.25 = sum(n.below.25),
                          per.below.25 = n.below.25 / n * 100,
                          per.below.50 = n.below.50 / n * 100)

# Bind the total row to the summary_table
summary_table <- bind_rows(x, total_counts)

# keep taxonomic groups as level in desired order:
                                                 levels = c("amphibian", "bird" , "fish" , "invertebrate", "mammal",
                                                 "angiosperm", "gymnosperm",  "reptile", "pteridophytes",
                                                "others", "ALL"))
summary_table<- summary_table %>% arrange(taxonomic_group_simplified)

# show nice table
kable(summary_table, digits=2)
taxonomic_group_simplified n mean median n.below.75 n.below.50 n.below.25 per.below.25 per.below.50
amphibian 43 0.85 1.00 9 4 1 2.33 9.30
bird 68 0.79 1.00 25 9 2 2.94 13.24
fish 40 0.78 0.86 17 3 1 2.50 7.50
invertebrate 77 0.67 0.67 40 21 7 9.09 27.27
mammal 80 0.94 1.00 8 3 0 0.00 3.75
angiosperm 139 0.83 1.00 36 13 4 2.88 9.35
gymnosperm 9 0.97 1.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
reptile 35 0.90 1.00 5 2 0 0.00 5.71
pteridophytes 8 0.82 1.00 3 1 0 0.00 12.50
others 19 0.82 0.88 6 1 0 0.00 5.26
ALL 518 0.84 1.00 149 57 15 2.90 11.00

Histograms and summary tables by 3 taxonomic groups (animals, plants, others)

By animals, plants, others:

# Create a histogram 
hist_p1 <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
                  ggplot(aes(x = indicator1_mean, fill = taxonomic_group_3)) +
                  geom_histogram( bins = 25, color="white") + # Adjust the number of bins as needed
                  labs(x = "Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)", y = "Frequency") +
                    values = grouped_taxon_colors, # Custom colors for animals, plants, and others
                    breaks = c("animals", "plants", "others"),
                    name = "Taxonomic Group")+
                  theme_light() +
                  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), text = element_text(size = 15), 
                        legend.position = "right") +
                  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL))

# plot
## Warning: Removed 351 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

Summary table for Ne indicator 3 taxonomic groups:

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_3) %>% 
                         per.0=sum(indicator1_mean==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(indicator1_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(indicator1_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(indicator1_mean>0.75)/ n *100,
                         per1=sum(indicator1_mean==1) / n *100)

# Calculate total counts and means
total_counts <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               ungroup() %>% 
               summarize(taxonomic_group_3 = "ALL",
                          n= n(),
                          mean = mean(indicator1_mean),
                          median = median(indicator1_mean),
                          per.0=sum(indicator1_mean==0) / n *100,
                          per.below.25=sum(indicator1_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                          per.below.90=sum(indicator1_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                          per.above.75=sum(indicator1_mean>0.75)/ n *100,
                          per1=sum(indicator1_mean==1) / n *100)

# Bind the total row to the summary_table
summary_table <- bind_rows(x, total_counts)

# keep taxonomic groups as level in desired order:
                                                 levels = c("animals", "plants", "others", "ALL"))
summary_table<- summary_table %>% arrange(taxonomic_group_3)

kable(summary_table, digits=2)
taxonomic_group_3 n mean median per.0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
animals 312 0.34 0 54.49 60.58 74.04 26.28 25.96
plants 246 0.19 0 61.79 73.58 90.24 10.57 9.76
others 10 0.15 0 80.00 80.00 90.00 10.00 10.00
ALL 568 0.27 0 58.10 66.55 81.34 19.19 18.66

PM Histogram for animal, plants, others:

# Create a histogram 
hist_p2 <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
                  ggplot(aes(x = indicator2_mean, fill = taxonomic_group_3)) +
                  geom_histogram(bins = 25, color="white") + # Adjust the number of bins as needed
                  labs(x = "Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)", y = "Frequency") +
                    values = grouped_taxon_colors, # Custom colors for animals, plants, and others
                    breaks = c("animals", "plants", "others"),
                    name = "Taxonomic Group")+
                  theme_light() +
                  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), text = element_text(size = 15)) +
                  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL))

# plot
## Warning: Removed 401 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

Summary table for PM indicator 3 taxonomic groups

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               group_by(taxonomic_group_3) %>% 
                         per0=sum(indicator2_mean==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(indicator2_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(indicator2_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(indicator2_mean>0.75) / n *100,
                         per1=sum(indicator2_mean==1) / n *100)

# Calculate total counts and means
total_counts <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               filter(! %>% 
               ungroup() %>% 
               summarize(taxonomic_group_3 = "ALL",
                          n= n(),
                          mean = mean(indicator2_mean),
                          median = median(indicator2_mean),
                          per0=sum(indicator2_mean==0) / n *100,
                          per.below.25=sum(indicator2_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                          per.below.90=sum(indicator2_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                          per.above.75=sum(indicator2_mean>0.75) / n *100,
                          per1=sum(indicator2_mean==1) / n *100)

# Bind the total row to the summary_table
summary_table <- bind_rows(x, total_counts)

# keep taxonomic groups as level in desired order:
                                                 levels = c("animals", "plants", "others", "ALL"))
summary_table<- summary_table %>% arrange(taxonomic_group_3)

kable(summary_table, digits=2)
taxonomic_group_3 n mean median per0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
animals 308 0.81 1.00 0.65 3.57 42.21 65.91 53.57
plants 191 0.85 1.00 0.52 2.09 37.17 74.35 56.02
others 19 0.82 0.88 0.00 0.00 52.63 63.16 26.32
ALL 518 0.82 1.00 0.58 2.90 40.73 68.92 53.47

Main Figure 4: Single figure 4 panels for violin plots and histograms for both indicators by taxonomic group

plot_grid(p2, hist_p2, 
          p1, hist_p1,
          ncol=2, align = "v", labels=c("A)", "B)", "C)", "D)"))
## Warning: Removed 401 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).
## Warning: `position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals
## Warning: Removed 351 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).
## Warning: Graphs cannot be vertically aligned unless the axis parameter is set.
## Placing graphs unaligned.

ggsave("Fig4.pdf", width = 37, height = 25  , units = "cm")

Supplementary Figure S2: Values of indicator 1 and indicator 2 for multiassessed taxa (alternative assessments)

#subset only with taxa assessed multiple times:
only_multi<-indicators_full %>% 

First, check how indicator 1 changes across the multiassessments.

p1<-only_multi %>% 
  # Keep rows with different values in indicator1 within each taxon group
  group_by(taxon) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(indicator1) > 1) %>%
  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=taxon, y=indicator1)) +
          geom_line(colour="darkgrey") + 
          geom_point(aes(color=country_assessment)) +
  xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
  labs(color="country") +
  ylim(0, 1)+
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic"),  panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="right", text= element_text(size=13))
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Now check how Proportion of maintained populations (indicator 2) changes across the multiassessments.

p2<-only_multi %>% 
  # Keep rows with different values in indicator1 within each taxon group
  group_by(taxon) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(indicator2) > 1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=taxon, y=indicator2)) +
          geom_line(colour="darkgrey") + 
          geom_point(aes(color=country_assessment)) +
    scale_color_manual(values= scales::hue_pal()(4)[2:4]) + # last 3 colors to make them the same than the other plot
  xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)") +
  labs(color="country") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic"), panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="right", text= element_text(size=13))
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Plot together:

plot_grid(p2, p1,  
          rel_heights = c(1.4, 0.8),
          ncol=1, labels=c("A)", "B)")) 
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

ggsave("FigS2.pdf", width = 20, height = 25  , units = "cm")

Indicator 3 (number of species with genetic diversity monitoring)

Indicator 3 refers to the number (count) of taxa by country in which genetic monitoring is occurring. This is stored in the variable temp_gen_monitoring as a “yes/no” answer for each taxon.


Plot by global IUCN redlist status

# desired order of levels
ind3_data$global_IUCN<-factor(as.factor(indicators_full$global_IUCN), levels=c("cr", "en", "vu", "nt", "lc", "dd", "not_assessed", "unknown"))

## plot
ind3_data %>%
                 # keep only one record if the taxon was assessed more than once within the country
                 select(country_assessment, taxon, temp_gen_monitoring, global_IUCN) %>%
                 filter(!duplicated(.)) %>%

                 # count "yes" in tem_gen_monitoring by country
                 filter(temp_gen_monitoring=="yes") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=global_IUCN)) +
  geom_bar() +
  xlab("") + ylab("Number of taxa with temporal genetic diversity monitoring") +
  scale_fill_manual(values= IUCNcolors, # iucn color codes
                    breaks=levels(as.factor(indicators_full$global_IUCN))) +

Supplementary Figure S9: Sankey plot genetic data availability

Relatively few taxa have genetic monitoring, but many have some sort of genetic study. Let’s check that with a Sankey Plot:

# check original n of assessments
## [1] 966
# first subset the ind3_data keeping only taxa assessed a single time, plust the first record of those assessed multiple times.
ind3_data_firstmulti<-ind3_data[!duplicated(cbind(ind3_data$taxon, ind3_data$country_assessment)), ]

# n taxa 
## [1] 919
# transform data to how ggsankey wants it
df <- ind3_data_firstmulti %>%
  make_long(country_assessment, temp_gen_monitoring, gen_studies)

# plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = x,
               next_x = next_x,
               node = node,
               next_node = next_node,
               fill = factor(node),
               label = node)) +
  geom_sankey(flow.alpha = 0.5, 
              show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_sankey_label(size = 2.5, color = "black", fill = "white") +
  theme_sankey(base_size = 10) +

    # manually set flow fill according to desired color
                            # countries
                             # traffic light for monitoring
                             c("darkolivegreen", "brown3", "darkgrey"),
                             # nice soft colors for gen_studies
                             c("grey50", "grey35", "grey50", "brown3")),
                             unique(ind3_data_firstmulti$gen_studies))) +
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_label()`).

ggsave("FigS9.pdf", width = 20, height = 18  , units = "cm")
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_label()`).
##        no     phylo phylo_pop       pop 
##       375       190       244        99

Count data:

ind3_data %>%
                 # keep only one record if the taxon was assessed more than once within the country
                 select(country_assessment, taxon, gen_studies, temp_gen_monitoring) %>%
                 filter(!duplicated(.)) %>%

                 group_by(country_assessment, temp_gen_monitoring, gen_studies) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment',
## 'temp_gen_monitoring'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

How many genetic studies ara available by country for species without temporal genetic diversity monitoring?

## plot
ind3_data %>%
                 # keep only one record if the taxon was assessed more than once within the country
                 select(country_assessment, taxon, temp_gen_monitoring, gen_studies) %>%
                 filter(!duplicated(.)) %>%
                 # keep only taxa without gen div monitoring

ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill=gen_studies)) +
  geom_bar() +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("grey80", scales::hue_pal()(3)))+
  xlab("")  +

Summary table of mean indicator values and n

The tables below show the indicator values and sampling size averaging them by country, taxonomic group, distribution type or IUCN global red list status. For this summary the mean of the multiassessed species was considering and counted as a single entry for the sampling size.

Codes for indicator names:

Codes for summary stats:

Summary stats by country:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(country_assessment) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))

# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
country_assessment n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
Australia 28 0.903 0.178 47 0.170 0.299
Belgium 27 0.453 0.221 101 0.246 0.381
Colombia 22 0.601 0.174 43 0.326 0.474
France 34 0.854 0.278 55 0.416 0.471
Japan 50 0.925 0.152 50 0.077 0.180
Mexico 28 0.936 0.135 47 0.217 0.354
South Africa 90 0.948 0.155 61 0.422 0.475
Sweden 120 0.777 0.271 83 0.188 0.331
USA 117 0.794 0.244 79 0.354 0.410

Taxonomic groups

Summary stats by taxonomic group:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(taxonomic_group) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))

# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
taxonomic_group n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
amphibian 43 0.833 0.244 26 0.150 0.250
bird 67 0.789 0.265 91 0.321 0.445
fish 40 0.768 0.245 34 0.414 0.448
invertebrate 77 0.671 0.309 65 0.277 0.403
mammal 80 0.937 0.161 95 0.419 0.461
reptile 35 0.902 0.176 31 0.288 0.437
angiosperm 138 0.834 0.242 188 0.177 0.311
bryophyte 4 0.688 0.252 2 0.250 0.354
gymnosperm 9 0.975 0.050 15 0.161 0.353
pteridophytes 8 0.824 0.251 11 0.179 0.284
fungus 3 0.903 0.167 2 0.500 0.707
other 12 0.844 0.141 6 0.000 0.000

Detailed table:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(country_assessment, taxonomic_group) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
country_assessment taxonomic_group n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
Australia amphibian 0 NaN NA 1 0.000 NA
Australia bird 9 1.000 0.000 9 0.167 0.264
Australia fish 1 1.000 NA 2 0.500 0.707
Australia invertebrate 1 0.500 NA 0 NaN NA
Australia mammal 3 0.750 0.250 10 0.303 0.359
Australia reptile 7 0.958 0.078 5 0.050 0.112
Australia angiosperm 2 0.700 0.424 15 0.115 0.276
Australia bryophyte 0 NaN NA 1 0.500 NA
Australia gymnosperm 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000
Australia pteridophytes 0 NaN NA 1 0.000 NA
Australia other 5 0.887 0.141 1 0.000 NA
Belgium amphibian 3 0.310 0.170 9 0.186 0.330
Belgium fish 5 0.570 0.153 9 0.206 0.352
Belgium invertebrate 10 0.444 0.259 30 0.323 0.416
Belgium mammal 3 0.444 0.192 19 0.447 0.497
Belgium reptile 0 NaN NA 4 0.030 0.026
Belgium angiosperm 5 0.446 0.279 26 0.093 0.219
Belgium bryophyte 1 0.444 NA 1 0.000 NA
Belgium gymnosperm 0 NaN NA 1 0.050 NA
Belgium pteridophytes 0 NaN NA 2 0.250 0.354
Colombia amphibian 2 0.625 0.177 0 NaN NA
Colombia bird 19 0.604 0.181 31 0.419 0.502
Colombia fish 0 NaN NA 2 0.500 0.707
Colombia mammal 1 0.500 NA 1 0.000 NA
Colombia reptile 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000
Colombia angiosperm 0 NaN NA 6 0.000 0.000
Colombia other 0 NaN NA 1 0.000 NA
France amphibian 1 1.000 NA 1 0.000 NA
France bird 11 0.852 0.259 20 0.342 0.460
France fish 1 0.167 NA 6 0.589 0.463
France invertebrate 3 0.700 0.265 7 0.405 0.508
France mammal 11 0.955 0.151 10 0.217 0.416
France reptile 1 1.000 NA 2 0.500 0.707
France angiosperm 3 0.667 0.577 6 0.583 0.492
France gymnosperm 1 1.000 NA 2 1.000 0.000
France fungus 1 1.000 NA 1 1.000 NA
France other 1 0.900 NA 0 NaN NA
Japan angiosperm 39 0.931 0.130 39 0.061 0.148
Japan gymnosperm 4 1.000 0.000 4 0.000 0.000
Japan pteridophytes 7 0.847 0.262 7 0.210 0.316
Mexico amphibian 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000
Mexico bird 1 0.667 NA 2 0.500 0.707
Mexico fish 0 NaN NA 0 NaN NA
Mexico invertebrate 1 1.000 NA 0 NaN NA
Mexico mammal 3 0.867 0.231 3 0.000 0.000
Mexico reptile 1 1.000 NA 4 0.500 0.577
Mexico angiosperm 20 0.959 0.120 29 0.236 0.339
Mexico gymnosperm 2 0.886 0.005 6 0.061 0.148
Mexico pteridophytes 0 NaN NA 1 0.000 NA
South Africa amphibian 18 0.918 0.173 4 0.125 0.250
South Africa bird 11 1.000 0.000 11 0.327 0.467
South Africa fish 9 1.000 0.000 4 0.297 0.477
South Africa invertebrate 0 NaN NA 0 NaN NA
South Africa mammal 32 0.992 0.044 31 0.608 0.480
South Africa reptile 7 0.869 0.254 1 1.000 NA
South Africa angiosperm 12 0.833 0.277 10 0.060 0.190
South Africa gymnosperm 1 1.000 NA 0 NaN NA
Sweden amphibian 13 0.891 0.183 9 0.192 0.219
Sweden bird 11 0.696 0.385 9 0.111 0.333
Sweden fish 7 0.738 0.290 4 0.299 0.476
Sweden invertebrate 29 0.674 0.292 20 0.078 0.225
Sweden mammal 20 0.986 0.047 15 0.361 0.447
Sweden reptile 7 0.983 0.045 3 0.619 0.541
Sweden angiosperm 22 0.622 0.259 18 0.159 0.258
Sweden bryophyte 2 0.904 0.048 0 NaN NA
Sweden pteridophytes 1 0.667 NA 0 NaN NA
Sweden fungus 2 0.855 0.205 1 0.000 NA
Sweden other 6 0.800 0.153 4 0.000 0.000
USA amphibian 6 0.754 0.267 0 NaN NA
USA bird 5 0.741 0.205 9 0.254 0.375
USA fish 17 0.737 0.198 7 0.615 0.448
USA invertebrate 33 0.730 0.324 8 0.492 0.471
USA mammal 7 0.905 0.194 6 0.303 0.351
USA reptile 12 0.823 0.202 10 0.271 0.444
USA angiosperm 35 0.867 0.181 39 0.332 0.398
USA bryophyte 1 0.500 NA 0 NaN NA
USA gymnosperm 1 1.000 NA 0 NaN NA


Summary stats:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(global_IUCN) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))

# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
global_IUCN n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
CR 36 0.825 0.272 46 0.109 0.284
EN 59 0.786 0.254 48 0.260 0.415
VU 64 0.778 0.253 66 0.310 0.414
NT 42 0.821 0.263 50 0.237 0.375
LC 152 0.845 0.251 185 0.365 0.436
DD 9 0.707 0.313 10 0.442 0.490
NE 152 0.833 0.235 156 0.187 0.329
unknown 2 1.000 0.000 3 0.667 0.577
NA 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000

Detailed table by IUCN category:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(country_assessment, global_IUCN) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
country_assessment global_IUCN n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
Australia CR 5 0.860 0.219 10 0.000 0.000
Australia EN 4 0.850 0.300 7 0.167 0.264
Australia VU 6 0.943 0.101 8 0.260 0.355
Australia NT 4 1.000 0.000 5 0.353 0.328
Australia LC 3 1.000 0.000 8 0.229 0.367
Australia NE 6 0.822 0.202 9 0.128 0.329
Australia unknown 0 NaN NA 0 NaN NA
Belgium CR 1 0.333 NA 2 0.500 0.707
Belgium EN 1 0.455 NA 1 0.000 NA
Belgium VU 3 0.548 0.410 3 0.333 0.577
Belgium NT 2 0.310 0.034 13 0.030 0.058
Belgium LC 19 0.466 0.215 64 0.285 0.398
Belgium DD 1 0.333 NA 3 0.364 0.553
Belgium NE 0 NaN NA 14 0.151 0.292
Belgium unknown 0 NaN NA 1 1.000 NA
Colombia CR 2 0.450 0.071 7 0.000 0.000
Colombia EN 4 0.525 0.145 3 0.667 0.577
Colombia VU 11 0.659 0.195 15 0.133 0.352
Colombia NT 3 0.550 0.180 6 0.667 0.516
Colombia LC 2 0.667 0.000 10 0.600 0.516
Colombia NA 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000
France CR 2 0.583 0.589 5 0.040 0.089
France EN 1 1.000 NA 3 0.333 0.577
France VU 4 0.725 0.320 9 0.481 0.467
France NT 7 0.839 0.277 6 0.333 0.516
France LC 17 0.953 0.133 28 0.476 0.482
France DD 0 NaN NA 2 1.000 0.000
France NE 3 0.633 0.551 2 0.000 0.000
Japan CR 2 1.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000
Japan EN 1 1.000 NA 1 0.000 NA
Japan LC 3 1.000 0.000 3 0.021 0.036
Japan NE 44 0.914 0.159 44 0.086 0.190
Mexico CR 4 1.000 0.000 3 0.333 0.577
Mexico EN 9 0.919 0.163 12 0.083 0.289
Mexico VU 5 0.900 0.224 5 0.000 0.000
Mexico NT 1 0.889 NA 2 0.000 0.000
Mexico LC 5 0.936 0.092 12 0.497 0.367
Mexico DD 1 1.000 NA 1 0.333 NA
Mexico NE 3 0.958 0.072 12 0.158 0.318
South Africa CR 14 0.860 0.285 12 0.042 0.144
South Africa EN 16 0.895 0.182 9 0.467 0.469
South Africa VU 14 0.982 0.067 12 0.500 0.522
South Africa NT 8 0.969 0.088 8 0.253 0.356
South Africa LC 34 1.000 0.000 18 0.667 0.485
South Africa DD 1 1.000 NA 0 NaN NA
South Africa NE 2 0.750 0.354 1 0.000 NA
South Africa unknown 1 1.000 NA 1 1.000 NA
Sweden EN 5 0.489 0.208 2 0.050 0.071
Sweden VU 7 0.685 0.247 7 0.297 0.363
Sweden NT 8 0.816 0.273 5 0.054 0.074
Sweden LC 63 0.836 0.259 41 0.247 0.374
Sweden DD 4 0.549 0.299 4 0.250 0.500
Sweden NE 33 0.744 0.268 24 0.085 0.228
USA CR 6 0.828 0.164 5 0.467 0.447
USA EN 18 0.743 0.268 10 0.300 0.483
USA VU 14 0.664 0.271 7 0.427 0.311
USA NT 9 0.796 0.289 5 0.284 0.435
USA LC 6 0.791 0.208 1 0.000 NA
USA DD 2 0.917 0.118 0 NaN NA
USA NE 61 0.829 0.234 50 0.365 0.415
USA unknown 1 1.000 NA 1 0.000 NA

Distribution type

Summary stats:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(species_range) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))

# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
species_range n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
restricted 309 0.795 0.266 313 0.187 0.344
unknown 14 0.760 0.259 20 0.300 0.470
wide ranging 193 0.867 0.217 231 0.384 0.432
NA 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000

Detailed table by IUCN category:

x<-indicators_averaged_one %>% 
                group_by(country_assessment, species_range) %>%
                          mean.PM.ind=mean(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.PM.ind=sd(indicator2, na.rm=TRUE),
                          mean.Ne.ind=mean(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE),
                          sd.Ne.ind=sd(indicator1, na.rm=TRUE))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country_assessment'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
# nice table
kable(x, digits=3)
country_assessment species_range n.PM.ind mean.PM.ind sd.PM.ind n.Ne.ind mean.Ne.ind sd.Ne.ind
Australia restricted 14 0.865 0.224 27 0.114 0.253
Australia unknown 0 NaN NA 1 0.000 NA
Australia wide ranging 14 0.942 0.110 19 0.260 0.347
Belgium restricted 10 0.319 0.128 22 0.135 0.262
Belgium unknown 2 0.456 0.062 5 0.000 0.000
Belgium wide ranging 15 0.542 0.242 74 0.295 0.411
Colombia restricted 16 0.614 0.193 28 0.286 0.460
Colombia unknown 5 0.547 0.117 10 0.500 0.527
Colombia wide ranging 1 0.667 NA 3 0.333 0.577
Colombia NA 0 NaN NA 2 0.000 0.000
France restricted 14 0.741 0.336 28 0.227 0.388
France wide ranging 20 0.933 0.202 27 0.611 0.476
Japan restricted 35 0.939 0.141 35 0.080 0.180
Japan unknown 1 1.000 NA 1 0.000 NA
Japan wide ranging 14 0.884 0.179 14 0.076 0.192
Mexico restricted 19 0.933 0.138 31 0.094 0.267
Mexico unknown 2 1.000 0.000 0 NaN NA
Mexico wide ranging 7 0.926 0.150 16 0.456 0.385
South Africa restricted 41 0.905 0.206 29 0.217 0.391
South Africa unknown 2 1.000 0.000 1 1.000 NA
South Africa wide ranging 47 0.984 0.081 31 0.595 0.475
Sweden restricted 71 0.708 0.292 53 0.076 0.210
Sweden unknown 2 1.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000
Sweden wide ranging 47 0.871 0.204 28 0.415 0.408
USA restricted 89 0.813 0.243 60 0.367 0.418
USA unknown 0 NaN NA 0 NaN NA
USA wide ranging 28 0.735 0.244 19 0.314 0.393

Simplified figures and basic stats for text summary and policy brief

How many species and pops:

How many species:

## [1] 919

How many assessments (including species assessed more than once):

## [1] 966

How many populations, including all pops from species that were assessed more than once:

## [1] 5652

How many populations by country (including multiassesments):

npops<-ind1_data %>%
    group_by(country_assessment) %>%
## [1] 628
## [1] 590.631

How many populations, counting only once populations from taxa assessed more than once:

# This looks for the id of the taxa keeping only 1 for the multiassessed taxa, and keeps those int he ind1_data (where the pops data is)
ind1_data_without_altassesments<-ind1_data[ind1_data$X_uuid %in% indicators_averaged_one$X_uuid, ]

# the number of rows is the number of pops counting only once multiassessed taxa
## [1] 5271

How many multiassesments:

## [1] 91

Which taxa had multiassesments and how many:

x<- indicators_full %>% filter(multiassessment=="multiassessment") %>%
                    group_by(taxon) %>%
taxon n
Alasmidonta varicosa 2
Alouatta palliata mexicana 2
Ambystoma cingulatum 2
Anguis fragilis 2
Aphelocoma coerulescens 3
Astragalus microcymbus 2
Barbastella barbastellus 2
Bombus terricola 2
Cambarus elkensis 2
Coronella austriaca 2
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis 2
Cryptomastix devia 2
Erimystax harryi 2
Etheostoma chienense 2
Etheostoma osburni 2
Hemphillia burringtoni 2
Heterelmis stephani 2
Hydroprogne caspia 2
Lavinia exilicauda chi 2
Lepidium papilliferum 2
Mustela nigripes 2
Necturus lewisi 2
Nicrophorus americanus 2
Notophthalmus perstriatus 4
Notropis mekistocholas 2
Notropis topeka 2
Noturus munitus 2
Obovaria subrotunda 2
Oncorhynchus apache 2
Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis 2
Phonotimpus talquian 2
Pimelea spinescens subspecies spinescens 2
Plestiodon egregius egregius 2
Pleurobema rubrum 2
Procambarus orcinus 2
Pseudemys rubriventris 2
Rana dalmatina 2
Rhynchospora crinipes 2
Streptanthus bracteatus 2
Texella reyesi 2
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia 2
Thoburnia atripinnis 2
Toxolasma lividum 2
Zapus hudsonius luteus 2

How many taxa with multiassesments?

## [1] 44

Fill gaps in Table S1

These numbers are not reported in the main text, but it is useful to have them in Table S1 to better understand the dataset.

Number of taxa with No data on PM indicator in both of the alternative assesments.

## [1] 401

Percentage out of 919:

## [1] 0.4363439

Number of taxa with data on Ne 500 indicator (for at least 1 pop) in both of the alternative assesments.

## [1] 568

Percentage out of 919:

## [1] 0.6180631

Number of populations data, considering only one of the alternative assessments

Number of pops:

## [1] 5271
df<-ind1_data_without_altassesments %>%
   mutate(Ne_calculated_from = replace_na(Ne_calculated_from, "no data available")) %>%
   group_by(Ne_calculated_from) %>%
             percentage = (n / nrow(ind1_data_without_altassesments)) * 100)

kable(df, digits = 0)
Ne_calculated_from n percentage
genetic data 222 4
NcPoint ratio 1185 22
NcRange ratio 2862 54
no data available 1002 19

Plain Histogram and stats for Ne > 500 indicator

Plain histogram:

# Create a histogram 
hist_p <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
                  ggplot(aes(x = indicator1_mean)) +
                  geom_histogram( bins = 25, fill="grey30") + # Adjust the number of bins as needed
                  labs(x = "Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)", y = "Frequency") +
                  theme_light() +
                  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), text = element_text(size = 15)) +
                  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL))

# plot
## Warning: Removed 351 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

Summary stats for the Ne 500 indicator:

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               ungroup() %>% 
                         per.0=sum(indicator1_mean==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(indicator1_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(indicator1_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(indicator1_mean>0.75)/ n *100,
                         per1=sum(indicator1_mean==1) / n *100)
kable(x, digits = 2)
n mean median per.0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
568 0.27 0 58.1 66.55 81.34 19.19 18.66

Data availability for the Ne indicator. At the species level:

sum(!$indicator1_mean)) / nrow(indicators_averaged_one)
## [1] 0.6180631

At the population level:

sum(!$Ne_combined)) / nrow(ind1_data)
## [1] 0.811925

Populations below the Ne 500 threshold

x<- ind1_data %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  summarise(n_pops = n(), 
            n_pops_Ne_data = sum(!, 
            n_pops_more_500 = sum(Ne_combined >= 500, na.rm = TRUE),
            n_pops_less_500 =sum(Ne_combined < 500, na.rm = TRUE),
            per_less_500 = n_pops_less_500/n_pops_Ne_data)
kable(x, digits=2)
n_pops n_pops_Ne_data n_pops_more_500 n_pops_less_500 per_less_500
5652 4589 604 3985 0.87

Plain Histogram and stats for Proportion Mantained populations

Plain histogram

# Create a histogram 
hist_p <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
                  ggplot(aes(x = indicator2_mean)) +
                  geom_histogram(bins = 25, fill="grey30") + # Adjust the number of bins as needed
                  labs(x = "Proportion of populations maintained within species \n(PM indicator)", y = "Frequency") +
                  theme_light() +
                  theme(panel.border = element_blank(), text = element_text(size = 15)) +
                  guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL))

# plot
## Warning: Removed 401 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

Summary stats for the PM indicator:

x  <- indicators_averaged_one %>%
               filter(! %>% 
               ungroup() %>% 
                         per0=sum(indicator2_mean==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(indicator2_mean<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(indicator2_mean<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(indicator2_mean>0.75) / n *100,
                         per1=sum(indicator2_mean==1) / n *100)

kable(x, digits = 2)
n mean median per0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
518 0.82 1 0.58 2.9 40.73 68.92 53.47

Data availability, donuts and plot bars for Ne 500

Species level yes/no table with percentages for Ne 500 indicator

df<- indicators_full %>%
     group_by(popsize_data) %>%
             percentage = (n / nrow(metadata)) * 100)
kable(df, digits = 0)
popsize_data n percentage
data_for_species 130 13
insuff_data_species 216 22
yes 613 63
NA 7 1

Donut only available data

df<- indicators_full %>%
     filter(popsize_data != "data_for_species") %>% # we want to show only data for pops or insufficient
     group_by(popsize_data) %>%
             percentage = (n / nrow(metadata)) * 100)

# variable to make change the size of the hole
hsize <- 2 # to change the size of the hole. larger=bigger 
df <- df %>% 
  mutate(x = hsize)  

# donut plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = hsize, y = n, fill = popsize_data)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_polar(theta = "y") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#2ca02c", "grey80"),
                    breaks=c("yes", "insuff_data_species"),
                    labels=c("Population level", "Insufficient data")) +

  xlim(c(0.2, hsize + 0.5)) + theme_void()

Species level yes/no. Bar plot for Ne 500

indicators_full %>%
     filter(popsize_data != "data_for_species") %>% # we want to show only data for pops or insufficient
      ggplot(aes(x=country_assessment, fill = popsize_data)) +
      geom_bar(position = "fill", color="white") +
      scale_fill_manual(values=c("#2ca02c", "grey80"),
                        breaks=c("yes", "insuff_data_species"),
                        labels=c("Population level", "Insufficient data")) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits=rev) + xlab("") + ylab("Data availability (% of species)") +
      coord_flip() +

Population level, what kind? Table

# we first need the column numbers
df<-ind1_data %>%
   mutate(Ne_calculated_from = replace_na(Ne_calculated_from, "no data available")) %>%
   group_by(Ne_calculated_from) %>%
             percentage = (n / nrow(ind1_data)) * 100)
kable(df, digits = 0)
Ne_calculated_from n percentage
genetic data 349 6
NcPoint ratio 1266 22
NcRange ratio 2974 53
no data available 1063 19


# variable to make change the size of the hole
hsize <- 3 # to change the size of the hole. larger=bigger 
df <- df %>% 
  mutate(x = hsize)  

# donut plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = hsize, y = n, fill = Ne_calculated_from)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_polar(theta = "y") +
  scale_fill_manual(labels=c("genetic data", "NcPoint ratio", "NcRange ratio", "no data available"),
                      breaks=c("genetic data", "NcPoint ratio", "NcRange ratio", "no data available"),
                      values=c("darkgreen", "#0072B2", "#E69F00", "grey80")) +
  xlim(c(0.2, hsize + 0.5)) + theme_void()

Data availability for PM indicator

Total taxa with NA in extinct populations:

## [1] 416

Percentage of missing data

## [1] 0.4306418

Total taxa with data availability on extinct pops

## [1] 550

Percentage of taxa with data availability on extinct pops (which also includes NA for extant, see above)

## [1] 0.5693582
## [1] 966

Data availability for at least one indicator

Data availability for at least one indicator. Including multiassesments

# number
x<- indicators_full %>%
     filter(popsize_data=="yes" | !
## [1] 802
# percentage
nrow(x) / nrow(indicators_full)
## [1] 0.8302277

Data availability for at least one indicator. Keeping only one of the multiassesments

# number
x<- indicators_averaged_one %>%
     filter(popsize_data=="yes" | !
## [1] 765
# percentage
nrow(x) / nrow(indicators_averaged_one)
## [1] 0.8324266

Exploring Ne 500 values if using a different Ne/Nc ratio

Because the Ne/Nc does not necessarely needs to be 0.1, wenterested to know if the distribution of values shifts to the right (better indicator status) if we used other ratio, like 0.2 or 0.3, which is a better ratio for some taxa. This would show uncertainty and emphasize more work to be done on the Ne/Nc ratio. Lastly it may help address concerns that Nc 5000 is just infeasible, because there are outlier species which never had Nc>5000, e.g. some endimic birds, but these are cases where Ne might be >500 (because Ne/Nc is >0.25).

To address this, we:

  1. Explore the NcPoint data converting it to Ne with a ratio of 0.2 and 0.3 and examine the indicator value
  2. Explore the differences in the indicator value of the taxa for which we have a different Ne/Nc ratio.

Ne 500 indicator using 0.2 and 03 on all taxa with NcPoint data

First we get the indicator 1 data again from scratch (because the object ind1_data already has the transformed Ne etc)

# ind1 data form kobo
## [1] "the data already contained a taxon column, that was used instead of creating a new one"
# bind data form templates
data_for_alternative_ratio<-rbind(data_for_alternative_ratio, ind1_data_from_templates)

Keep only populations for which we hav NcPoint data:

# filter rows with missing data for NcPoint
data_for_alternative_ratio<-data_for_alternative_ratio %>% 
# show data to check
data_for_alternative_ratio %>% select(taxon, Ne, NcRange, NcPoint)

How many pops and assessments this subset of data has?

# How many pops?
## [1] 1303
# how many assesments?
## [1] 197
# how many taxa?
## [1] 186
# how many assessments by taxonomic groups
data_for_alternative_ratio %>% group_by(X_uuid, taxonomic_group) %>%
                      summarise(n=n()) %>% group_by(taxonomic_group)  %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'X_uuid'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
# how many assessments by country
data_for_alternative_ratio %>% group_by(X_uuid, country_assessment) %>%
                      summarise(n=n()) %>% group_by(country_assessment)  %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'X_uuid'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.

Now we transform NcPoint data to Ne using 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 ratios

data_for_alternative_ratio <- data_for_alternative_ratio %>%
# show data to check
data_for_alternative_ratio %>% select(NcPoint, Ne_0.1, Ne_0.2, Ne_0.3)

Estimate the Ne 500 indciator for each of the 3 Ne values

ind1_alt_ratios<-data_for_alternative_ratio %>%
                  group_by(X_uuid, taxonomic_group, taxon) %>%
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.1=sum(Ne_0.1>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.2=sum(Ne_0.2>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.3=sum(Ne_0.3>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            ind1_Ne_0.3=n_more_500_Ne_0.3/n_pops_Ne_data) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'X_uuid', 'taxonomic_group'. You can
## override using the `.groups` argument.
ind1_alt_ratios %>% select(taxonomic_group, taxon, ind1_Ne_0.1, ind1_Ne_0.2, ind1_Ne_0.3)

Summary for each ratio:

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.279   0.600   1.000
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.3392  0.8889  1.0000
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.0000  0.1250  0.3957  1.0000  1.0000

Same data in tidy format for plots and other data summaries:

                                   cols = ind1_Ne_0.1:ind1_Ne_0.3,
ind1_alt_ratios_long %>% select(taxonomic_group, taxon, NeNc_ratio, ind1_value)

Histogram faceting:

#nicer labels
levels(ind1_alt_ratios_long$NeNc_ratio)<-c("0.1", "0.2", "0.3")

hist_ratios <- ind1_alt_ratios_long %>% ggplot(aes(x=ind1_value, fill=NeNc_ratio)) +
                        geom_histogram(position = 'identity') + 
                        facet_wrap("NeNc_ratio") +
                        theme_light() + xlab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
                       theme(panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="none")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


boxplot_ratios<-ind1_alt_ratios_long %>% ggplot(aes(x=NeNc_ratio, y=ind1_value, fill=NeNc_ratio)) +
                geom_boxplot() + 
                geom_jitter(size=.5, width = 0.1) +
                ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
                xlab("Ne/Nc ratio") +
                theme_light() + theme(legend.position="none")


Supplementary Figure S8: Hist and boxplot with different Ne_Nc ratios

plot_grid(hist_ratios + ggtitle(""),
          boxplot_ratios + ggtitle(""), ncol = 1, labels = c("A)", "B)"))
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggsave("FigS8.pdf", width = 18, height = 22  , units = "cm")

Summary indicator values:

x<-ind1_alt_ratios_long %>% group_by(NeNc_ratio) %>%
                         per.0=sum(ind1_value==0) / n *100,
                         per.below.25=sum(ind1_value<0.25) / n *100,
                         per.below.90=sum(ind1_value<0.90) / n *100,
                         per.above.75=sum(ind1_value>0.75)/ n *100,
                         per1=sum(ind1_value==1) / n *100)
kable(x, digits = 2)
NeNc_ratio n mean median per.0 per.below.25 per.below.90 per.above.75 per1
0.1 197 0.28 0.00 59.39 66.50 79.70 20.81 20.30
0.2 197 0.34 0.00 52.79 58.38 75.13 27.41 24.87
0.3 197 0.40 0.12 44.67 50.76 71.57 31.47 28.43

Does the value of ind1 varies with the NeNc ratio used?

m.ratios<-glmmTMB(ind1_value ~ NeNc_ratio, family = "ordbeta", data = ind1_alt_ratios_long)
##  Family: ordbeta  ( logit )
## Formula:          ind1_value ~ NeNc_ratio
## Data: ind1_alt_ratios_long
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1185.0   1211.3   -586.5   1173.0      585 
## Dispersion parameter for ordbeta family (): 3.03 
## Conditional model:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    -0.6464     0.1240  -5.213 1.86e-07 ***
## NeNc_ratio0.2   0.2061     0.1448   1.424   0.1545    
## NeNc_ratio0.3   0.3553     0.1409   2.522   0.0117 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Table for the taxa for which we have a different Ne/Nc ratio.

Select taxa for which we have an alternative known NeNc ratio:

sp_known_ratios<-metadata %>% filter(! %>% select(taxon, common_name, taxonomic_group, country_assessment, ratio_species_related)
select(sp_known_ratios, taxon, ratio_species_related, country_assessment)

Remove the elephant, because Jess confirmed <0.1 is 0.1, so no change:

sp_known_ratios<-filter(sp_known_ratios, taxon != "Loxodonta africana")

Create a new variable with only numeric values for the ratio. For this, when ranges were provided we take the average.

sp_known_ratios <-sp_known_ratios %>% mutate(
                    # If ratio_species_related is a single value (with a decimal point), keep it as it is
                    grepl("^\\d+\\.?\\d*$", ratio_species_related) ~ as.numeric(ratio_species_related),
                    # manually change data that includes ranges or other formats. One by one:
                    ratio_species_related == "0.26 (0.1-0.3)" ~ 0.26,
                    ratio_species_related == "1:5" ~ 0.2,
                    ratio_species_related == "0.09-0.604" ~ mean(c(0.09,0.604)),
                    ratio_species_related == "0.36 (0.275-0.424)" ~ 0.36,
                    ratio_species_related == "0.1275-0.237" ~ mean(c(0.1275,0.237)),
                    ratio_species_related == "0.16-0.78" ~ mean(c(0.16,0.78))
## Warning in eval_tidy(pair$rhs, env = default_env): NAs introduced by coercion
select(sp_known_ratios, ratio_species_related, known_ratio)

Add English names:

# keep only english names
sp_known_ratios<-sp_known_ratios %>% 
mutate(english_name = str_extract_all(common_name, "(?<=;|^)\\s*([^;(]+)\\s*\\(EN\\)") %>% 
                         sapply(function(x) ifelse(length(x) > 0, x, NA_character_)))

Show nice table

x<-select(sp_known_ratios, taxon, taxonomic_group, english_name, country_assessment, ratio_species_related, known_ratio)
taxon taxonomic_group english_name country_assessment ratio_species_related known_ratio
Alces alces mammal Moose (EN) Sweden 0.28 0.28000
Syncerus caffer caffer mammal Cape buffalo (EN) South Africa 0.26 (0.1-0.3) 0.26000
Tetrao urogallus bird Western capercaillie (EN) France 0.15 0.15000
Canis lupus mammal wolf (EN) Sweden 0.25 0.25000
Poicephalus robustus bird NA South Africa 0.262 0.26200
Gulo gulo mammal Wolverine (EN) Sweden 0.36 0.36000
Mustela lutreola mammal European Mink (EN) France 0.258 0.25800
Ursus arctos mammal Brown bear (EN) Sweden 0.21 0.21000
Centrocercus minimus bird NA USA 1:5 0.20000
Pelophylax esculentus amphibian Edible frog (EN) Sweden 0.082 0.08200
Ursus arctos arctos mammal Brown bear (EN) France 0.09-0.604 0.34700
Lynx lynx carpathicus mammal Eurasian lynx (EN) France 0.36 (0.275-0.424) 0.36000
Triturus cristatus amphibian Great crested newt (EN) Sweden 0.1275-0.237 0.18225
Puffinus puffinus bird Manx shearwater (EN) France 0.7 0.70000
Falco naumanni bird Lesser kestrel (EN) France 0.39 0.39000
Lepanthes eltoroensis angiosperm NA USA 0.140 0.14000
Castor fiber mammal Eurasian Beaver (EN) Belgium 0.25 0.25000
Lutra lutra mammal European otter (EN) Belgium 0.25 0.25000
Cervus elaphus elaphus mammal Red deer (EN) Sweden 0.23 0.23000
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia reptile NA USA 0.16-0.78 0.47000
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia reptile NA USA 0.16-0.78 0.47000

Quick summary of the new ranges:

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0820  0.2100  0.2580  0.2905  0.3600  0.7000
## [1] 21
##  amphibian angiosperm       bird     mammal    reptile 
##          2          1          5         11          2

Of the taxa for which we have a known Ne/Nc ratio, which have NcPoint data? (ie are present in data_for_alternative_ratio). Keep only those.

#list taxa with known ratios
##  [1] "Alces alces"                     "Syncerus caffer caffer"         
##  [3] "Tetrao urogallus"                "Canis lupus"                    
##  [5] "Poicephalus robustus"            "Gulo gulo"                      
##  [7] "Mustela lutreola"                "Ursus arctos"                   
##  [9] "Centrocercus minimus"            "Pelophylax esculentus"          
## [11] "Ursus arctos arctos"             "Lynx lynx carpathicus"          
## [13] "Triturus cristatus"              "Puffinus puffinus"              
## [15] "Falco naumanni"                  "Lepanthes eltoroensis"          
## [17] "Castor fiber"                    "Lutra lutra"                    
## [19] "Cervus elaphus elaphus"          "Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia"
# are they in data_for_alternative_ratio?
unique(sp_known_ratios$taxon) %in% unique(data_for_alternative_ratio$taxon)

Keep only the taxa with known alternative ratios and NcPoint data:

sp_known_ratios_NcPoint<-sp_known_ratios[sp_known_ratios$taxon %in% unique(data_for_alternative_ratio$taxon), ]

x<-select(sp_known_ratios_NcPoint, taxon, taxonomic_group, english_name, country_assessment, ratio_species_related, known_ratio)
taxon taxonomic_group english_name country_assessment ratio_species_related known_ratio
2 Syncerus caffer caffer mammal Cape buffalo (EN) South Africa 0.26 (0.1-0.3) 0.260
4 Canis lupus mammal wolf (EN) Sweden 0.25 0.250
6 Gulo gulo mammal Wolverine (EN) Sweden 0.36 0.360
9 Centrocercus minimus bird NA USA 1:5 0.200
10 Pelophylax esculentus amphibian Edible frog (EN) Sweden 0.082 0.082
11 Ursus arctos arctos mammal Brown bear (EN) France 0.09-0.604 0.347
12 Lynx lynx carpathicus mammal Eurasian lynx (EN) France 0.36 (0.275-0.424) 0.360
15 Falco naumanni bird Lesser kestrel (EN) France 0.39 0.390
16 Lepanthes eltoroensis angiosperm NA USA 0.140 0.140
17 Castor fiber mammal Eurasian Beaver (EN) Belgium 0.25 0.250
19 Cervus elaphus elaphus mammal Red deer (EN) Sweden 0.23 0.230
20 Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia reptile NA USA 0.16-0.78 0.470
21 Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia reptile NA USA 0.16-0.78 0.470

Use NcPoint data from data_for_alternative_ratio witht he known_ratio for each species to transform the NcPoint data to Ne:

# to store loop output

## loop through taxa with Ne kwnon ratio and NcPoint data

for(i in 1:length(unique(sp_known_ratios_NcPoint$taxon))){
# get desired taxon
desired_taxon <- unique(sp_known_ratios_NcPoint$taxon)[i]

# get known ratio for desired taxon
known_ratio <- sp_known_ratios_NcPoint[sp_known_ratios_NcPoint$taxon== desired_taxon, "known_ratio"]

# for each pop of desired taxon, estimate Ne from the known ratio
x<-filter(data_for_alternative_ratio, taxon == desired_taxon) %>%
                              mutate(Ne_known_ratio = NcPoint*known_ratio,
                                     known_ratio = known_ratio[1])

data_for_table_altratio<-rbind(data_for_table_altratio, x)

# check
data_for_table_altratio %>% select(taxon, NcPoint, Ne_0.1, Ne_0.2, Ne_0.3, known_ratio, Ne_known_ratio)

Estimate the indicator values for the 4 Ne options (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, known):

ind1_tablesp_ratios<-data_for_table_altratio %>%
                  group_by(X_uuid, taxonomic_group, taxon, known_ratio) %>%
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.1=sum(Ne_0.1>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.2=sum(Ne_0.2>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            n_more_500_Ne_0.3=sum(Ne_0.3>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            n_more_500_Ne_known_ratio=sum(Ne_known_ratio>500, na.rm=TRUE),
                            ind1_Ne_known_ratio=n_more_500_Ne_known_ratio/n_pops_Ne_data) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'X_uuid', 'taxonomic_group', 'taxon'. You
## can override using the `.groups` argument.
kable(select(ind1_tablesp_ratios, -starts_with("n_more"), 
-X_uuid), digits = 2)
taxonomic_group taxon known_ratio n_pops n_pops_Ne_data ind1_Ne_0.1 ind1_Ne_0.2 ind1_Ne_0.3 ind1_Ne_known_ratio
mammal Castor fiber 0.25 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
reptile Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia 0.47 3 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
reptile Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia 0.47 3 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
mammal Canis lupus 0.25 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
mammal Gulo gulo 0.36 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
mammal Cervus elaphus elaphus 0.23 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
mammal Syncerus caffer caffer 0.26 3 3 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67
bird Centrocercus minimus 0.20 7 7 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00
mammal Lynx lynx carpathicus 0.36 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
amphibian Pelophylax esculentus 0.08 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
angiosperm Lepanthes eltoroensis 0.14 1 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
bird Falco naumanni 0.39 3 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
mammal Ursus arctos arctos 0.35 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Long format for plots:

                                   cols = c(ind1_Ne_0.1:ind1_Ne_0.3,ind1_Ne_known_ratio),


ind1_tablesp_long %>% 
  # Keep rows with different values in indicator1 within each taxon group
  group_by(taxon) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(indicator1) > 1) %>%
  # plot
  ggplot(aes(x=taxon, y=ind1_value)) +
          geom_line(colour="darkgrey") + 
          geom_point(aes(color=NeNc_ratio, shape=NeNc_ratio), alpha=0.6, size=2) +
  xlab("") + ylab("Proportion of populations within species with Ne>500 \n(Ne 500 indicator)") +
  ylim(0, 1)+
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light() + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic"),  panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position="right", text= element_text(size=13))

Session Info for reproducibility purposes:

## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] glmmTMB_1.1.7      knitr_1.39         lme4_1.1-31        Matrix_1.5-3      
##  [5] cowplot_1.1.1      viridis_0.6.3      viridisLite_0.4.0  alluvial_0.1-2    
##  [9] ggnewscale_0.4.9   ggsankey_0.0.99999 ggplot2_3.4.1      stringr_1.4.0     
## [13] utile.tools_0.2.7  readr_2.1.2        dplyr_1.0.9        tidyr_1.2.0       
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] TMB_1.9.6           tidyselect_1.1.2    xfun_0.31          
##  [4] bslib_0.3.1         purrr_0.3.4         splines_4.2.1      
##  [7] lattice_0.20-45     colorspace_2.0-3    vctrs_0.5.2        
## [10] generics_0.1.3      htmltools_0.5.5     yaml_2.3.5         
## [13] utf8_1.2.2          rlang_1.0.6         nloptr_2.0.3       
## [16] jquerylib_0.1.4     pillar_1.7.0        glue_1.6.2         
## [19] withr_2.5.0         DBI_1.1.3           lifecycle_1.0.3    
## [22] munsell_0.5.0       gtable_0.3.0        evaluate_0.15      
## [25] labeling_0.4.2      tzdb_0.3.0          fastmap_1.1.0      
## [28] fansi_1.0.3         highr_0.9           Rcpp_1.0.10        
## [31] scales_1.2.0        jsonlite_1.8.0      farver_2.1.1       
## [34] gridExtra_2.3       hms_1.1.1           digest_0.6.29      
## [37] stringi_1.7.6       numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 grid_4.2.1         
## [40] cli_3.6.0           tools_4.2.1         magrittr_2.0.3     
## [43] sass_0.4.1          tibble_3.1.7        crayon_1.5.1       
## [46] pkgconfig_2.0.3     MASS_7.3-57         ellipsis_0.3.2     
## [49] minqa_1.2.5         assertthat_0.2.1    rmarkdown_2.14     
## [52] rstudioapi_0.13     boot_1.3-28         R6_2.5.1           
## [55] nlme_3.1-157        compiler_4.2.1